What's the weirdest dream that you've ever had?



  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    I always manage to have weird dreams, but the two weirdest ones that I can fully remember were:

    1. I was being chased (and was literally running across the ocean) by some girl who wanted some object I'd been holding in my hand. I ran into a local McDonalds, but next door to it was a C.I.A. building full of shady looking fellas. Some parts of this dream are hard to explain, but there was one part where a couple sitting at a booth at Mcdonalds wanted their toddler son, who was seated in a high-chair, to eat his fries. The next scene, the toddler was standing on the floor and both his parents were instead in the high-chair with their legs sticking out and still begging him to eat. At the end of my dream, it turns out that the item I'd been carrying was a squid, who then spoke to me and said, 'Fly! Let me be free'.. and in some weird.. running scene, I ran along the beach with a squid in hand and recording tape spilling from it as its innards.

    2. The world was under attack by those ugly martians from the movie 'Mars Attacks!', and for some reason Earth thought it better to team up our soldiers along with aliens from the 'Predators' movie. Things got really weird when in the very end, the ground split and all the trees began swaying from side to side with onions.
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    I'm sure that this isn't the weirdest, But last night I dreamed that My Grandma showed up to church Butt Naked because she thought it would be more comfortable.

    I generally have super powers and have to save the world from destruction in my dreams though. lol

    My favorite ex-boss said that she had a dream that I tried to jump across the grand canyon, missed, and she had to rush to give me CPR.

    What are some of your interesting dreams?

    UMMM that's not the weirdest? LMAO!

    I had a dream a long time ago that I fell in slow motion from outer space passing up these huge 1000 story structures. I landed safely on my feet in a childhood neighborhood. I went across the street ...and bought a lottery ticket.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I weirdest dream was about my cat Guinness.
    I dreamed he came up on the foot of the bed, walked to the head, up the wall, across the ceiling. He completed the circuit back at the foot of my bed and clearly said, "That should take care of that". He never explained what that meant.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I guess it would be the one where my family and I were hiding in a barn because the town we were in was overrun by zombies. Wharf (from Star Trek TNG) came to save us. He did this by throwing a propane tank into a volcano, which caused it to explode, changing the landscape of the whole world and wiping out all the zombies. I went to give him a thank you hug and he pushed me over. Which sucked because I was a ninja turtle. So I was on my back waving my arms and legs because I couldn't get up and i was yelling "Hey! You can't do that to a turtle!"

    Edited to add: A few days later my husband and I went to the mall. In the food court, there were 4 guys dressed up as ninja turtles. I turned to my husband and said, "Please tell me you're seeing this too."
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I just thought of a recurring dream I used to have as a child.
    I would dream I was walking home across a local park and as I walked I started to lean forward. After I while I was parallel to the ground and picking up speed, until suddenly I would turn skyward and soar upward. I loved that dream and had it often.
  • Froggy1976
    I have had the same dream several times. I am trying to dial a phone number and can't quite manage to get it right. I know the number but can't make my fingers hit the right buttons.
  • CharityEaton
    Mine usually involve murder, and me owning the tamest Burmese/Anaconda hybrid known to man. And what causes these is having sugar before bed...rots some people's teeth, makes me have ****ed up dreams. So, in essence, I am like a Gremlin.

    totally agree, it is the sugar before bed that give me the craziest dreams...they range from all kinds of craziness. Dead people, me beating people up (I am sooo not a fighter), and of course the crazy sexcapade dreams...those are usually pretty interesting!