VERY low resting heart rate



  • xmissbehaved56x
    It is normal as your heart becomes stronger to have a low resting HR. As long as you don't feel light headed or fatigued there really shouldn't be an issue. Several patients I have worked with had a resting heart rate below 50 and they were very active and healthy. I wouldn't worry about it unless you have any symptoms associated because you will definitely notice symptoms if it is too low for your body.

    Okay, good to hear! Thanks! And it's alright that my average HR on a a average run is that high? I would think that as my heart gets stronger it wouldn't have to work as hard/fast to pump blood while working out...

    Are you being treated for the low iron levels? If not I would definitely start taking an iron supplement. It could be many things that could cause that like low potassium or dehydration. If you ever feel dizzy or like you want to pass out then I would go see someone about it. Especially if you feel chest/arm pain while running. Heart issues in someone your age is very rare unless it is congenital. So I wouldn't worry too much unless it goes over 200 or you have any symptoms from it, but you should mention to your doctor next time you see them in case.
  • reilly360
    reilly360 Posts: 4
    I don't have any negative symptoms while running. I'll take my HR 15 min after my run and see what it's saying...and no I currently am not on any iron supplements. I have changed up my diet a little and have been using myfitnesspal to see how much iron I'm getting each day and I'm also eating more oranges for the vitamin C to aid in absorption of the iron I'm consuming. Haven't had any bloodwork done lately and I don't know if it's improving. It's interesting because just last fall I was donating blood and my iron was through the roof, they were impressed. Nothing changed between now and then with my diet that I can think of