Ready to take this challenge head on!!!

Hi! The name is Cassie, 24 years old. I'm looking to lose weight and be healthy about doing it. I HATE dieting & have no motivation so I usually quite after a few days of saying that I'm going to loose it. Hopefully I'll be able to do better by using this site.

Any tips are most welcomed!


  • tamingdawn
    tamingdawn Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Cassie! I know the feeling. I'm a 37 year old who has never watched what she's eaten. I ballooned in weight and have recently decided that enough was enough! So I joined this site when I was looking for a food diary. Initially I was just going to catalog my caloric intake and do it alone. Then I found MFP. This place is awesome Cassie. I've only been here 5 days so far but the people are spectacular! The advise is great and the motivation and positive comments from them each day simply have been amazing to me.

    As for tips. Well one that I would make is that if you have a smartphone, download the app that is tied with this site. It is wonderful! I couldn't do this without that app truth be known. Another one that I've found helps me is using a smaller plate. Silly I know, but I see a small plate that looks 'loaded' and I seem to take my time eating, therefor filling up faster even though the portions are smaller then I'm used to.

    Another thing, and this one sounds weird but here it is, if you eat sandwiches, cut them with a cookie cutter. I say this because if you cut it with a cookie cutter in a fun shape you will take a slower time eating it and fill faster and find that you have eaten half the sandwich, and are full.

    Anyway, feel free to add me if you wish Cassie so that we can travel our weight loss road together!

  • amymaria91
    Welcome! Hopefully you'll become addicted to this site like I have. It surprised me so much what was actually in the foods I was eating, now I don't want to eat anything without knowing how many calories, fat, carbs etc are in it.

    You need to make sure you don't look at this as a diet, it is a lifestyle change. Make sure you take everything one day at a time, that's the key to sticking to it. If you have a bad day you pick yourself up and keep going the next day
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    Cassie, good luck!

    - Some things that have worked for me are to log every single thing that crosses your lips even if it makes you go over. It will help you notice the problem foods you have as well as make you aware of how many calories are in the things you eat.
    - Somebody on here once suggested thinking of your calories for the day as money and to spend them wisely. If you eat a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, dang that was good but you've just blown half your calories for the day and it's not even noon yet! - Make changes one at a time especially if you've tried and given up before. Don't give up all sweets, that's all you'll want! My personal philosophy is everything in moderation. I just make certain it fits in my calorie goal for the day.

    When you feel like quitting (because I'm sorry to tell you-this IS hard!) come on these boards and read the success stories. Ask for advice. Exercise and EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES! Exercise gives you more to eat (a personal favorite of mine!) and will help you lose weight faster. You'll also look better as you lose. The benefits are huge and it can be something as simple as walking!