Help =[

I keep fluctuating the same 1.5-2lbs for around 3-4 weeks now ;( I measure myself every week as well, and there hasn't been a significant difference in my measurements (I attribute small differences to user error).

I've been here for 5 months now. I exercise daily. My week for the most part looks like this:

Mon - Swimming 2 hours
Tues - Jillian DVD & running
Wed - Swim 1.5 hours & Jillian DVD
Thurs - Jillian DVD & running
Fri - Swim 1.5 hours & Jillian DVD and maybe running
Sat - Swim 1.5 hours & Jillian DVD and maybe running
Sun - Yoga Meltdown/rest

I'm on a swim team, and I'm doing Ripped in 30 now for the Jillian DVD. When I'm done that I plan to do Insanity. Running = C25K

I aim to net 1400cals/day, but on the days I swim I have trouble reaching that sometimes, so then I'll try to compensate on days I don't have swim practice (though not always perfect about it!).

I upped my cals from 1360 to 1400 a few weeks into the swim season, to make sure I was getting enough. Slowed my progress. A couple weeks later I tried to lower my net back to 1360, but found I was hungry a lot and I didn't see progress. The week after I tried to net 1400 EVERYDAY. Seemed like I gained a pound from that.

I use my PolarFT7 and just started using it in the pool last week. At most I've been overestimate my burn in the pool by around 150cals, but I have yet to use it for a typical swim practice.

MFP says my BMR is 1,439 calories/day.

This week I noticed that it looks like I lost some fat in my back, but it's not reflected in my measurements at all =/ The jeans I'm trying to fit into aren't fitting any better either.

I'm not sure what I should do at this point =[ All advise and opinions are greatly appreciated !


  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You are not eating enough for all that exercise.
  • how is your protien to carb intake? sounds like your doing everything you should, but what does your diet look like?
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    My diary is open! I do 40/30/30 carbs/protein/fat

    I usually go over my carbs slightly, hardly hit my fat. I focus on my protein intake though and usually get at least 1g per lb of LBM (days I eat chicken though it doesn't show in my count, because the chicken only has the calorie count) but I looked it up and guess the amount of protein per oz in chicken.
  • Swimming was hard for me to loose weight. I swam in high school and was my heaviest. Does your coach know, he may be able to give you more sprints than distance
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Swimming was hard for me to loose weight. I swam in high school and was my heaviest. Does your coach know, he may be able to give you more sprints than distance

    We actually do a good mixture of both distance and sprints. My coach likes the speed game so we do that every few practices, where you sprint for maybe 25-50m then not hard for another 50-100m. Distance and length you sprint usually changes though.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Heres my suggestion:

    Eat more(and for more then like a week or two.. It takes time before your body gets adjusted to the higher calorie count and you may gain at first but will drop off. Give the higher calorie count at least 4 weeks.)

    Take a rest day or 2! There is no reason that you need to be exercsing 7 days week.. esp if you are one a swim team.

    Try this for 4 weeks and see what happens.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    You are not eating enough for all that exercise.

    I thought about that, but came here to see if anyone else can see something that I'm missing =] If not then I suppose I'll raise my cals.
  • I looked at your diary, and looks pretty good. I think your doing great and will see results, just keep at it.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    Heres my suggestion:

    Eat more(and for more then like a week or two.. It takes time before your body gets adjusted to the higher calorie count and you may gain at first but will drop off. Give the higher calorie count at least 4 weeks.)

    Take a rest day or 2! There is no reason that you need to be exercsing 7 days week.. esp if you are one a swim team.

    Try this for 4 weeks and see what happens.

    Thank you for the suggestion. I think I will try it! Still open to any other thoughts though.

    And how to figure out how much more I should be eating...?
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    double post -_-
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You are training like an athlete, so you will have to eat one. Based on your BMR, you should be eating around 2200-2500 calories a day using the katch mcardle

    TDEE = 1439*1.9 = 2734 -500 = 2234

    Also, look to increase fats ( stop using low fat substitutes). The bonus side of this, it will also increase your calories. Overall, your diet looks fairly good, I just dont think it's enough. Also, keep in mind when doing athletic training, water retention is very common due to muscle soreness.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    You are training like an athlete, so you will have to eat one. Based on your BMR, you should be eating around 2200-2500 calories a day using the katch mcardle

    TDEE = 1439*1.9 = 2734 -500 = 2234

    Also, look to increase fats ( stop using low fat substitutes). The bonus side of this, it will also increase your calories. Overall, your diet looks fairly good, I just dont think it's enough. Also, keep in mind when doing athletic training, water retention is very common due to muscle soreness.

    Holy O__O bahah so much ! Although sometimes I do get up to 2100cals consumed =/ I like eating back as many exercise calories as I can, when I can.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    At what pace were you losing weight prior to this stallout?
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    At what pace were you losing weight prior to this stallout?

    Anywhere from .5-2 lbs a week. The average pattern that I noticed since the end of August was 1.5 one week, the next .5. Then repeat.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You are training like an athlete, so you will have to eat one. Based on your BMR, you should be eating around 2200-2500 calories a day using the katch mcardle

    TDEE = 1439*1.9 = 2734 -500 = 2234

    Also, look to increase fats ( stop using low fat substitutes). The bonus side of this, it will also increase your calories. Overall, your diet looks fairly good, I just dont think it's enough. Also, keep in mind when doing athletic training, water retention is very common due to muscle soreness.

    Holy O__O bahah so much ! Although sometimes I do get up to 2100cals consumed =/ I like eating back as many exercise calories as I can, when I can.

    Well sometimes you just have to eat more, lol. I suspect you are probably under estimating you metabolism. This site puts my BMR 200-300 calories lower than it really is. I use the Katch McArdle formula to figure out my caloric needs and when you factor in my body fat, it reads higher than the online ones that use weight and height. And since you are young, I bet its much higher than you expect. It's the reason why I am thining 2500 calories per day would be a better option.
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    You are training like an athlete, so you will have to eat one. Based on your BMR, you should be eating around 2200-2500 calories a day using the katch mcardle

    TDEE = 1439*1.9 = 2734 -500 = 2234

    Also, look to increase fats ( stop using low fat substitutes). The bonus side of this, it will also increase your calories. Overall, your diet looks fairly good, I just dont think it's enough. Also, keep in mind when doing athletic training, water retention is very common due to muscle soreness.

    Holy O__O bahah so much ! Although sometimes I do get up to 2100cals consumed =/ I like eating back as many exercise calories as I can, when I can.

    Well sometimes you just have to eat more, lol. I suspect you are probably under estimating you metabolism. This site puts my BMR 200-300 calories lower than it really is. I use the Katch McArdle formula to figure out my caloric needs and when you factor in my body fat, it reads higher than the online ones that use weight and height. And since you are young, I bet its much higher than you expect. It's the reason why I am thining 2500 calories per day would be a better option.

    You may be right about that. I'm currently looking for a clinic in my city that could maybe measure my RMR to make sure. Would definitely explain a lot if my metabolism is higher than I think it is.
  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    Try taking your calories up a bit. My scale stuck too for about 3 weeks not long ago... but then quickly started moving again. It makes you mad though, I know that. lol
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    You are training like an athlete, so you will have to eat one. Based on your BMR, you should be eating around 2200-2500 calories a day using the katch mcardle

    TDEE = 1439*1.9 = 2734 -500 = 2234

    Also, look to increase fats ( stop using low fat substitutes). The bonus side of this, it will also increase your calories. Overall, your diet looks fairly good, I just dont think it's enough. Also, keep in mind when doing athletic training, water retention is very common due to muscle soreness.

    Holy O__O bahah so much ! Although sometimes I do get up to 2100cals consumed =/ I like eating back as many exercise calories as I can, when I can.

    Well sometimes you just have to eat more, lol. I suspect you are probably under estimating you metabolism. This site puts my BMR 200-300 calories lower than it really is. I use the Katch McArdle formula to figure out my caloric needs and when you factor in my body fat, it reads higher than the online ones that use weight and height. And since you are young, I bet its much higher than you expect. It's the reason why I am thining 2500 calories per day would be a better option.

    You may be right about that. I'm currently looking for a clinic in my city that could maybe measure my RMR to make sure. Would definitely explain a lot if my metabolism is higher than I think it is.

    Well even if you can't do it that way, if you could get a body fat test (skin fold preferably) then we can further improve the calculation.