Ideal Protein



  • mikituba
    I've been doing Ideal protein for a week, my first week weigh in I lost 9.8lbs and 7 inches. Tomorrow I have my second weigh in...I'm really nervous even though I've been following the program verbatim. Does anyone else get those moments where you get really nervous about your weekly weigh in and think you've gained? Last week I was nervous as well, but had fantastic results!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I've been doing Ideal protein for a week, my first week weigh in I lost 9.8lbs and 7 inches. Tomorrow I have my second weigh in...I'm really nervous even though I've been following the program verbatim. Does anyone else get those moments where you get really nervous about your weekly weigh in and think you've gained? Last week I was nervous as well, but had fantastic results!

    YES! Thanksgiving week was the worst! Plus I was traveling for my job the week before. I only lost half a pound. I've been doing IP since September and have lost every week so far.
  • Jkittels
    Jkittels Posts: 3 Member
    I did Ideal Protein with my husband and lost 35lb. My hubby lost 60. I am a type I (insulin dependant and use an insulin pump) diabetic. It did wonders for my glucoses because the only carbs that I ate were pure veggies. I decreased the amount of insulin that i used about 1/2! However, that all said....I've gained back 30lb (mostly all that was lost) beause I went crazy in Aug/Sep/Oct over the foods that I was missing, and I can' t even stand to think about eating ideal protein food again! It was the first diet that had worked for me in MANY years. I've been struggling with my weight since I was a kid. I was exercising like a mad woman, and nothing was happening. I had tried calorie counting (have been a memeber of calorieking in the past). A dietician friend recommended this.

    I've just started on this site to track calories. So far so good, but the ideal protein idea..seems to be stuck in my head. I have this concept in my head that any carb is bad, and I know that is not true!!! My hubby is really brain washed and thinks that I'm nuts to do the "count the calories" thing that hasn't worked for me in the past! I'm determined to figure out a healthy eating pattern, as I've had such disordered eating for alot of my life. (Not that I'm anorexic or bulemic or anything...just VERY poor concepts of diet_)....

    I think the premise of IP is a good one, but there is alot to be said about healthy eating! God made fruit for a reason! :wink:
  • mikituba
    I go in for my second week weigh in today! Wish me luck!!! :) Also Celeriac is fantastic! Julienned and boiled for about 15-20 minutes with a dash of OO and pepper.. YUM YUM YUM!
  • EnufAlready
    EnufAlready Posts: 77 Member
    I was on ideal protein for August and September of this year and lost 26 pounds. I loved that I was never hungry and had no cravings and I really like most of the food. But I have some sleep disorders and went through pure HELL for a few weeks. during that time, between midnight and 6 a.m. I would start to eat - and eat and eat and eat. I also would take any and all meds I could find that might have helped me sleep - believe me I was starting to identify with Micheal Jackson.

    Anyway, I ended up not sticking to it after that and dropped it. I gained a bit back - not surprising because I ate very badly. But eating badly has other side effects for me - I start to ache. So over the past week I've started eating better - gluten free primarily and low carb and high protein and now I'm feeling better.

    On MFP I read and voiced my very large opinions about IP and that reminded me of how much I enjoyed being on it and the big and fast weight loss and so I went back today, shared my story and my concern about dealing with christmas. They suggested I do 2 IP meals a day and eat low carb and healthy the other meals and then after Christmas, do a detox and get right back on it. That's my plan
  • mikituba
    I love that idea! Good for you! The weight loss is so incredible! I just got back from my second week weigh in and lost another 3.4lbs and 4.25 inches that's a total weight loss of 13.2lbs and 2 weeks!!!
  • bethnapp
    bethnapp Posts: 17 Member
    I just started an Ideal Protein group! Please Join me!