Hello again!

I was on here and doing alright for a while then I made the poor decision to stop. So here I am again hoping to meet new people with similar goals. I am currently 5 months pregnant, but I have lost 20lbs during my pregnancy (I have to fix my counter, I got even fatter before I got pregnant). And so far I have surprised myself by keeping it off. I will not be limiting myself as much as when I am not pregnant but I know that if I don't start living healthier now I won't be able to do it after this baby comes. I have a two year old, a husband leaving the Army and I am currently studying to take my GRE so I can go to school for my Master's in English. I currently weigh in at 246lbs at only 5'2. Any support or friendly advice is more than welcome and I look forward to losing the weight, FINALLY!


  • CharleeA
    HIya there and welcome!! Congratualtions on your pregnancy and well done with the healthy attitude!! As soon as I took a test and saw it was positive along came the cream cakes and chocolate ha ha!!! have sent you a friend request!x