Tata's? boob lift? tummy tuck? arm tuck? what did i get myse

I love my body and have been losing weight, I do not want to have to deal with plastic surgery after losing weight, are there any exercises that I can do that can lift the girls a bit, prevent saggy tummy skin and arm skin and a sagging chin? I need help, I did think about plastic surgery but it is way out of my budget. And stretch marks?!? What can I do about it. If you look at my pics you can see my stretch marks and saggy skin...


  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    vitamine E or Shea butter for the strech marks but I have no idea on the other stuff. good luck honey! I have had to just accept that my boobs are now smaller, and after I have kids they will be saggy, but that's part of life....I'll just have to buy some better bras :)
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    vitamine E or Shea butter for the strech marks but I have no idea on the other stuff. good luck honey! I have had to just accept that my boobs are now smaller, and after I have kids they will be saggy, but that's part of life....I'll just have to buy some better bras :)

    and for stretch marks even that isn't a cure. there really is no cure, except time.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    You can tone muscles but you cannot rid yourself of extra skin that was already grown by your body to cover existing weight gains. Seems like there is a cut off point for everyone - if you don't have a LOT of weight to lose it may not even be an issue. For me, I started noticing the skin at 60 lbs lost and now at close 90, its worse, but not horrible. It wasn't perfect before because I have had three children and all were nine pounds and then some. I've been able to tone my arms and back and chest with no issues at all but the tummy is a whole 'nother story.

    Stretch marks will fade to a silvery color over time and not be red and noticeable.
  • barwood
    barwood Posts: 48 Member
    Stop being so hard on yourself you are doing good Lift some weights and all that will come.Just keep up the good work.
  • Taliko
    Taliko Posts: 82 Member
    I use something called "Bio Oil" for my strech marks. It smells nice, is a little oily but seems to be helping to make the feel of my skin more smooth, and has faded them.

    As for saggy skin... well if you lose weight really quickly you are more prone to loose skin. Also it depends on genetics, some people have skin that tightens up quickly. Other people (like myself!) Have to wait for the skin to catch up with the rest of your body! Mine seems to be getting tighter over time. :)

    Also. It's gross, but cod liver oil is good for skin elasticity. Lots of natural vitamin A and D in it.
    Has worked quite well for me at least, these last few months, and had an added side effect of also clearing up my acne. Wierd, huh?
  • MsCNicholleD
    For your chest, bench pressing is the best way to solve your problem. You can use free weights or the machine. If you use the machine, you can step up your weight level in order to really work the area and shape that muscle. If you use free weights, you'll have to start low until you perfect your form in order to avoid injury.

    Intense cardio and reverse crunches for the sagging stomach area. Do as many crunches as you possibly can in one sitting to maximize your results. Do your cardio 2-3x's per week.

    As far as the sagging arm skin, you might want to try some tricep extensions to tone that muscle in order to lessen the appearance of sagging skin.

    Stretch marks are permanent but cocoa butter and shea butter can help to minimize the look of stretch marks. The only way to absolutely get rid of them is through laser surgery and you've said that plastic surgery isn't an option right now, so I would start with the cocoa or shea butter and see how that works for you. Good luck!
  • cspence2270
    cspence2270 Posts: 229 Member
    Stretch marks -- be proud of them, you've had 2 wonderful kids and are lucky, so don't get too hung up on them. They don't usually go away even with all the creams or other advice that you read about.

    As for the rest if you are working out by doing some strength training that should take care of itself in time. You're still young so your shouldn't have the added problem of age and your skin and muscles should be able to shrink back. But give it some time, get to your goal weight and then you can tone and strengthen to get rid of the jigglies. My advice for the "girls" get a push up bra.. after bablies those are never the same again.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    they've given good advice, so mines is simple. . . you have to stop somewhere and just LOVE YOURSELF. and let that be it. if indeed something like plastic surgery becomes an option because you CAN afford it, then go for it, but do not stress. eating right and exercising and actually feeling good on the inside is a great reward. you've done well so far