My only support

I'm feeling kind of bummed today. Due to health reasons I HAVE to lose the weight. That's not exactly easy when everyone around me doesn't really care what they eat. I've been yo-yo dieting for some time and it always ended the same. I'd lose 10 or 15lbs, but because the people around me want fried food/junk food I'd end up gaining the weight right back, and then some. Now that's not an option. I have to lose or it could kill me. Unfortunately those around me aren't as eager to change eating habits.

Don't get me wrong, they try to encourage me. But how can I take encouragement from someone who's scarfing down McDonalds fries or cookies or chips? It also makes it easy to cheat. (although I haven't had any junk food since I got home from the doctor on Thursday)

The only support I have is from MFP. I really hope I can pull this off


  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    You CAN do it!!!!

    Here is my advice : Losing weight and retraining your body and your habits can be a slow process. Don't get discouraged if you mess up. Take it one day at a time. Start with small goals. If you get off the right path, make a U (YOU :smile: ) turn and get right back on.
  • You CAN do this!!! Add me as a friend if you like... When you get all fit they will want to get there too... You will find lots of support here on MFP!!!
  • kyrstensmom
    kyrstensmom Posts: 297 Member
    It sounds to me like you need to have a conversation with the people you dine with and ask them to be supportive by being health conscious when you eat together. Maybe they will, maybe they won't, but it won't hurt to ask. You can (and sounds like have to) make changes that you can live with. Its not easy. Sometimes it sucks. But, you have to keep your eye on the goal. There is no other way. You have to be willing to commit, no matter what, and that will help remove the temptation all around you. This is about you, not about those around you.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 385 Member
    You can! My man doesn't eat what I eat. We don't live together but eat many meals together. I often have to cook something different than what he's doing. Its all up to us! Yes its nice to have outside support, but you have got to bite the bullet and do it for yourself. Use us at MFP to support you! Besides we'll cheer you on when the chips are down because we all have the same goals! You can do this!!!! Also use this site to compare your foods nutritional value before you go shopping! Its a God send!

    Good luck my friend and I'm rooting for you!
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 610 Member
    Here is my advice : Losing weight and retraining your body and your habits can be a slow process. Don't get discouraged if you mess up. Take it one day at a time. Start with small goals. If you get off the right path, make a U (YOU :smile: ) turn and get right back on.

    This! If it wasn't for this frame of mind I would be off the wagon permanently.
  • Hi Jenny:
    I hear ya. It wasn't until I changed my close circle of friends that I really got healthy and fit. Sometimes, like with alcohol addiction, you have to change those folks around you in order to change yourself. It's all part of the process. If you can't get them to join you, you may need a new circle of friends. It sucks, but it's reality.
    We're here for you.
  • NaomiLyn15
    NaomiLyn15 Posts: 388 Member
    You can do it!!!

    I live with a guy who eats anything and everytihng and doesn't gain a pound. If he doesn't have chocolate in a day, he is grumpy. I gained 40 pounds when we first got married. But, when I realized how large I had gotten I made a decision to change my diet and begin working out. He doesn't join me, I do it on my own and he eats McDonalds in front of me. So, it is possible, you just have to put your mind to it. But, I would say that you need to indulge in something that you are craving on occasion (in moderation) or you won't stick to this change. Especially with people around you eating those things. You will get discouraged if you completely deprive yourself. So, take it one day at a time and just focus on making good decisions in the short term. You will make it even without support around you.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    sometimes the lifestyle journey can feel like a lonely one when those around you aren't participating. MFP is great in providing a community for support, but you're going to have to dig deep within yourself and find powerful enough reasons to stay on this journey and avoid the temptations of those around you. if you would like, read my will power blog below and create your own will power pill.
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    It's really hard, I agree... knowing your health is at risk I think will give you a lot of motivation, like you said you're already a few days into a better lifestyle.
    My family wasn't on board when I started either... so I started off with always making sure I had my meals planned, or cooked entirely seperately. It was tough at first but then I started feeling better as the weight came off and nothing beats that.
    It took them a while but I no longer have to cook two seperate meals for dinner... I will make my healthy stuff and if it isn't enjoyed by others they can feel free to make their own food.
    I think since you know how serious your situation is they need to respect that too, and if they don't want to be on board maybe they will have to fend fo themselves food wise, or just get over it and eat the healthy stuff you are making available. :)

    Best of luck to you! I know you can do it!! Once you get into a groove you'll be unstopable - just remember your health is more important than any craving you have in the moment.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    It's important to remember that your weightloss journey is about you and your actions, not the poor choices of others. If you truly decide that you are going to lose the weight, you will do it. You can do anything that you set your mind to. You are worth it!!!!
  • You CAN do it!!!!:bigsmile:
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,012 Member
    Hi Jenny ... take it from me ... someone else who doesn't have the best support system at home (I have a husband and two kids who still "demand" McDonalds, pizza, etc. every week) ... it IS still possible to lose the weight ... it just means you need to be stronger than the average loser. When eating that stuff is "unavoidable", you learn to make healthier choices ... I pretty much know what I can order at various places while still feeling good about my meal and my food log and one those days when I decide I will NOT give in to even the grilled chicked sandwich temptation, I make sure I have single meals available at home for me to choose from while my family eats what I've decided not to. It is NOT easy ... I love my fries, lol ... but I have found that I love my 22lb loss (so far) even more. Feel free to add me if you like. You can do this!!! :smile:
  • RunJasonRun
    RunJasonRun Posts: 82 Member

    Stay Strong and Determined, Have Faith and Trust, and Believe in yourself.

    Set small goals and you will see great success.