Starvation mode



  • Thank you, I think I am going to have to see if I can find a nutritionist in my are who knows about my stomach condition.
    Wow, your health condition sounds like it makes it very difficult to eat well - either healthfully or enjoyably! I don't envy you on that :-/
    Because you have such specific needs related to a medical condition, I Really urge you to seek advice from your doctor on this one. There are many well-intentioned people on here who may have tips and tricks that are great for lots of people, but generally (unless they are a doctor or at least have experience with Gastroparesis) they don't have the expertise to give you safe, healthy advice when taking your medical condition into consideration.
    I hope your doctor is able to provide some you with guidance on this. Also, you may have already looked, but just in case you haven't: between now and your doctor's appointment if you want to do some research, the mayo clinic and the national institute of health ( do have some general guidelines... but of course both also recommend that you seek information specific to you through your doctor.
    I wish you well on your journey toward being healthier :-)