My hair :(

Ok well since i have been loosing weight my poor hair is suffering.

My mum has mentioned it a couple of times and i have noticed too.

Its a mixture of major weight loss (for me - not been this light since i was about 12) and washing my hair too much since exercising frequently (sweaty hair = ick!)

Now i know all about dry shampoo - thats great and taking multi-vitamins (have started doing that now)

My question is what else can i do to get the oomph/thickness back?

Many Thanks! Hoping to hear some weird and wacky suggestions!


  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    biotin capsules ..... make sure you are getting plenty of protein and vitamin b.... gelatin capsule strength hair
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    make sure you caloric deficit is not to large (not getting adequate nutrition can lead to hair loss) and also make sure you have enough fat in your diet (20-30% of total calories should come from fat)
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    I used to have thick beautiful hair and now it's thin but my dr assures me it's because I've lost so Much weight in such a little time.
    And that it will go back to its normal self when a person starts to maintain or just lose a lb or two in a month
  • BonnieRose513
    As a gastric bypass patient, and a heavy loser of weight in the past 8 months, I take this stuff and LOVE IT! It is formulated for GB patients, but we all need these nutrients and I think it will help you too!
  • MissMichellemybelle
    Get your thyroid checked. Thats a common symptom of hypothyroiditis.
  • melbaby925
    You might be deficient in Omega 3s. I saw on Dr. Oz recently that hair issues and itchy scalp are a sign of being deficient in them - you want to go with animal based sources, so salmon, black cod...that kind of stuff.

    Also, I have problems with my hair getting frizzy in the winter because it's so dry out. I've started using cocoa butter with jojoba oil in it. No other ingredients - you heat it up in the microwave so it's soft, and then I slather it all over my hair and go to bed. Then shower in the a.m. and shampoo as usual. I've started doing this 2-3 times a week, and not only does it smell yummy, but my frizz has mostly gone away!
  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Thanks for all the comments! re the thyroid im pretty sure its the weight loss as i am seeing many others experiencing this too. I did have tests for that done about 3/4 years ago anyway x
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    Are you eating enough protein? The MFP settings for protein are pretty low, you should aim to get that number in the red each day. Protein builds & maintains muscle, but also, your hair is 91% protein. Thinning hair is one symptom of nutrient deficiency. May be protein, may be something else you're lacking, but I'd take it seriously & try to figure out what your body is telling you.
  • bigbrownkid
    My hair has gotten thinner too. It used to be really thick.

    You might want to try biotin, a Vitamin B supplement, for your hair. It's also good for strengthening nails.

    did this help you? ever since i started my weight loss, my hair has thinned alot and i shed alot too. im only 21, my friends kinda joke with me but i didnt know you could experience this because of weight loss
  • I recently fried the crap out of my hair and thus embarked on a major mission the improve/maintain what is left! There are several different kinds of professional thickening/repair shampoos. I can tell you what I think works best if you let me know a price range (it can really vary). I also have done some at home mixtures with tons of protein egg, avocado, olive oil, which worked well for me, but I've heard some people talk about experiencing too much protein so, I guess be mindful that diff hair textures react differently. I do the home mixtures occasionally and like the Nexuss deep conditioner with keratin in it. Write me if need more have more specific info:) Good luck!!
  • AdAstra47
    AdAstra47 Posts: 823 Member
    I used to have thick beautiful hair and now it's thin but my dr assures me it's because I've lost so Much weight in such a little time.
    And that it will go back to its normal self when a person starts to maintain or just lose a lb or two in a month

    This is why I don't trust most doctors when it comes to nutrition. Thinning hair is a sign that something is wrong in your body (unless you're suffering from male pattern baldness or something...). Your doctor should not dismiss that so lightly. When your body is lacking some nutrient (could be fat, or vitamin B, or protein, as others here have suggested), it starts conserving that nutrient by denying it to 'non-essential systems' like your hair & nails. If you get the proper balance of nutrients, you should be able to lose weight without losing muscle or hair.

    Personally, my hair is longer & more healthy now than it has been since my teen years. Ever since I started a high-protein lifestyle. And I've lost over 40 lb with this. So the idea that thinning hair is a natural part of weight loss is just wrong, and it was completely irresponsible of that doctor to tell you that.
  • wenrenee77
    It will take approximately 6 months for your hair to return to its previous lushness. Proper diet, exercise, supplements, and hair maintenance will help it along. Try using hair products that are sulfate free, such as the Awaphui Wild Ginger products by Paul Mitchell. (I work at a cosmetology school so I know about this stuff...).

  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    Nioxin shampoo, conditioner, and scalp treatment. Proven formula for growing hair back in this sort of situation = stress, weight loss, post chemo, pregnancy, etc.
  • dianita22
    BIOTIN!!! it's amazing or OTC prenatal vitamins, but Biotin alone WILL do the trick
  • Bourds
    Bourds Posts: 90 Member
    I actually just added Biotin to my diet yesterday and added A&D a few weeks ago. I take multivatimins and multiple vitamin supplements (C, Garlic, Fish Oil, Calcium, etc) and have all of my life. I eat alot of protein and am never lacking on that end but I do watch my fats so those may be lower than they should be. I use Pantece Pro-V shampoon/conditioner and do weekly hair treatments to stregthen and rejuvenate my hair and have for about 1.5 months now. I had my thyroid and other blood testing done about 6 months ago as my doctor was watching everything with my weight loss and all was good then. I have been low on total calorie intake usually 800's-900's per day and not eating back exercise calories. I almost never go over 1000 calories regardless of exercise and know that I need to improve on eating more. It was nice when the weight was coming off quickly but not if it is harmful to my health. I lost over 100 pounds in 7-8 months. Thanks for all your input as I really needed some more opinions from people doing the same thing as me.
  • gammybarb
    gammybarb Posts: 34 Member
    Hair is a byproduct of protein as are nails. Add more protein to your diet. When you wash your hair comb it out instead of using a brush. Wash your hair no more than twice a week and do not use heavy conditioners or harsh shampoo. Try baby shampoo. It's very mild and has no detergent.
  • MarcRipley
    MarcRipley Posts: 5 Member
    Very good info! Thanks everyone for posting. I'll also check into those Biotin suppliments.

  • amfmmama
    amfmmama Posts: 1,420 Member
    shower cap is my friend!
  • Dundreggen
    Dundreggen Posts: 41 Member
    You have gotten some great nutrition advice. As to frequent washing. Try either not using shampoo so often, or just use conditioner. Like dissolves like so unless you are super greasy using conditioner WILL clean your hair.
  • skpresley20
    skpresley20 Posts: 177 Member

    Try this stuff. It's called a K Pak Treatment. You do it once a week for 4-5 weeks. I do this maybe 2x a year and my hair is so much healthier, and fuller. You can actually FEEL the difference too. It works, I'm going to do it again here in a couple weeks. Its essentially a protein treatment, and I believe it's fairly cheap. It really really works and I highly recommend it.