
Hi i'm Cindy, i'm 30 years old and like everyone else, trying to lose weight!
I had my 1st child at age 19 when I weighed around 60 kg. I quickly got back down to 62 kg but fell pregnant again and put on 10 kg. I have never been able to lose that extra 10 kg. In 2009 I fell pregnant with my baby girl and put on another 14 kg. So when I started this journey on Nov 1st this year, I weighed in at 86.6 kg.
In the past I have lost a few kg here and there but it has never stayed off and I have never been motivated enough to want to keep it off.
I am getting married in August next year and I NEED to lose at least 12 kg. I am already 2 kg down, so I have another 10 kgs to do!
Thanks for reading and feel free to add me :)


  • Ervie317
    Ervie317 Posts: 179 Member
    Welcome and good luck!!
  • amyllu
    amyllu Posts: 432 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to the forum.
    Like most of us ladies having children is the beginning of weight increase and soo difficult to lose with having lots to think about with coping with the different routines. You have come to the right place and I wish you great success.