Newbie to this site. Back at weight loss.... AGAIN!

I stumbled upon this site last night, just in time for the beginning of my new weight loss venture.

I have steadily gained weight from the time I got married in 2003, when I weighed about 135 to 174, which was my highest after 3 pregnancies and births of the world's most adorable boys. In Januray 2010, I weighed 155 and set out to lose 15 LBS. I ended up losing 25 LBS, and was at my smallest at 130.6. It was wonderful, I felt great, and looked great. Then I spent most of 2011 gaining it all back and then some! BLAH. I am at 159 LBS as of this morning, and feel like crap, look pudgy, and just want to get back to being the thinner, happier me! I am eating well, lots of protein, limiting carbs, no fast foods, no true sweets (I have some sugar free fudge pops, if I am desperate), no soda, and working out. I am starting the 30 Day Shred tonight.

I am hoping for some serious success before the holidays kick in to get my motivation secured before the yummy gifts, parties and cookies start.


  • kellykw
    kellykw Posts: 184 Member
    You did it once, you can do it again! That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. :D
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Woo! Good for ya! and welcome to the site! This place is full of people are have similar goals like you and we are all supporting and encouraging each other. I believe you'll definitely get to your goal in no time ;)