How Do You Burn So Many Calories?

It seems that all my friends on here burn SO many more calories than I do. I will bust my *kitten* pushing myself for 30mins on my stationary bike for example, and only burn 200cals. Whereas other people will burn double or more than that.

I am getting this number from the bike itself so that may be the problem, but I really can't afford a HRM right now. Just wondering why I might be burning so much less or is it just a dodgy number off the bike?


  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    It also varies greatly based on weight. I weigh about 110 so running for 30 minutes may only burn about 250 calories for me, but for someone that's 200 pounds it could burn closer to 400.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    I pick cardio activities that usually burn more calories - running or elliptical (but playing sports is high up there too!) - and I absolutely give it my all. If I am not sweaty and disgusting by the end of it, I haven't worked hard enough. Combine that with strength training - feel the burn, baby.
  • jillyjelly
    jillyjelly Posts: 148 Member
    some people use their everyday activity to calculate (washing dishes, moving furniture or walking ) bikes can be difficult or try how many miles per hour - maybe that will help
  • Rachiepie6
    Rachiepie6 Posts: 423 Member
    I use a HRM and find that some people who don't use a HRM burn a ridiculous (high) amount of calories by estimating what they've burned off MFP.

    I'd rather underestimate my burn than overestimate it and eat too much..
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Add resistance. Go faster.
  • ZUMBA!!! 600 calories an hour for me (HRM) at 152 lbs, I would burn about 50 additional before I lost some weight :)
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    If you want to burn calories, in my opinion, running is the best and most efficient option. With greater difficulty comes greater reward.
  • dannylives3
    dannylives3 Posts: 70 Member
    I found that I have to exercise for about 90 minutes to burn 1,000 calories. If I go for a brisk walk, it would be less than 1,000 but probably over 500. I would advise to go for a brisk walk for 90 minutes. If u cant make it that far at first, then just do it for less time until you can. :) p.s., if you jog for 30 seconds here and there, like maybe every 2 or 3 minutes or so, you'll burn even more calories!
  • Also depends on your level of fitness.. My sister and I do the exact sam exercise class and as and being slightly fitter then her I burn way less calories.
  • MîîśÊmÿłõü
    MîîśÊmÿłõü Posts: 285 Member
    I got off what my treadmill tells me and MFP for the rest, so it could vary a lot , but a the most I know my treadmill is accurate
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    After getting my HRM I found that MFP was quite a bit over in estimating my calories burned - the machines at the gym, as long as I enter my age and weight, are pretty close.

    It definitely depends on the weight of the person and the intensity. The elliptical or a treadmill at 5 mph will probably burn more than a stationary bike because your whole body is in motion, rather than sitting.
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Those numbers just seem outrageous to me. I'm very new to the counting calories game, so my opinion is by no means grounded in any facts. But burning that many cals in such a short amount of time just seem unattainable to me unless you're an uber fit gym junkie!

    I guess in time I might be able to burn more.
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    I discovered that I could burn WAY more calories riding a bike versus riding a stationary. I have to use my WHOLE body to get up a hill, around a corner, and over bumps.

    Running is a really good way to burn high amounts of calories too. Also a fitness routine like "30 day shred " "turbofire," or "Insanity."

    "Insanity" is what I'm currently doing and I burn a lot of calories and have toned up too. Haven't lost much, but my body is "Shrinking." Thank God for drawstinged clothes!

    I also hear that your body gets used to the same movements after awhile and it's good to change it up. I really enjoyed musle confusion lifting for awhile.

    Hope you find what works for you. :-)
    Thanks for sharing.
  • Add resistance. Go faster.


    I was getting frustrated too with the amount of calories I was burning. So I changed it up, added resistance. Still was working, but I wanted something better, something more of a challenge.

    I highly recommend trying a spin class. I burn 300-330 calories during a 25 minute class and drip sweat. It's fantastic, it's quick, and it will bust your *kitten*!
  • Promqueen_74932
    Promqueen_74932 Posts: 203 Member
    And Heart Rate Monitor is a must, b/c MFP DOES NOT calculate my calories burned properly!

    Had to share that.

  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I'm under 18 so I can't go to a gym, and I'm a stay at home mum to 2 kids so riding/walking/jogging outside are not options. (Yes I know, 17 with 2 kids - wow).

    I have been doing the 30DS and MFP reckons that burns about 200cals (logged as circuit training) but I do not "feel" like I've burnt any where NEAR that much.

    Ugh, I'm just gonna have to save up and get a HRM! :)
  • woo1324
    woo1324 Posts: 168 Member
    For me i use a hrm monitor and use the programs on my staionary bike , the higher you have the resistance the harder you have to work i also pay close attention to make sure my heart rate is in the fat burning zone ,,, for me it can depend on the day I have had as well

    If im bursting full of energy and put everything i have in to my workout i can burn around 700 cals in a hour , if its a pretty moderate to high effort its more like 600 and if im having a slower day its usually around 400 ,, this number is also high because i have allot of weight to lose and my heart and body is having to work harder as i get smaller and fitter these numbers will drop :)

    also my bike and mfp calorie calculations are always different than my hrm they usually give me 100 - 150 more than i have actually burned

    hope that helped
  • youngmum
    youngmum Posts: 114
    I find it hard to burn calories on the bike too, but when I do intervals I burn more quicker (eg max speed for 20 secs, resting speed 10 secs, rinse & repeat as many times as I can handle - usually about 10 mins). I find the rowing machine & elliptical machines work better for burning calories.
  • cajunlady56
    cajunlady56 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm under 18 so I can't go to a gym, and I'm a stay at home mum to 2 kids so riding/walking/jogging outside are not options. (Yes I know, 17 with 2 kids - wow).

    I have been doing the 30DS and MFP reckons that burns about 200cals (logged as circuit training) but I do not "feel" like I've burnt any where NEAR that much.

    Ugh, I'm just gonna have to save up and get a HRM! :)

    I am sure that is a typo cause you have to be 18 to be on MFP *wink wink*
  • Its all about getting the heart rate up.

    Something like an aerobics class will burn way more per hour in comparison to say a yoga class. And it depends on your height, weight, age, body composition etc as to how much you burn.

    Then again, weights burn hardly anything but you build muscle. I think you should just find what works for you and stick to it.

    PS: do not underestimate the mighty HRM. I love mine to pieces. Rarely says the same as either the MFP or machine estimates.