Hi I'm Danielle!

Hi everyone! I'm Danielle, I'm 22 and a senior in college in New Jersey. I've used the MFP iPhone app for awhile but this is my first time using the website. I've been counting calories since the summer (I used to use a different website, but I like this one a lot better) and I've lost most of the weight I put on last year (I've lost 12lbs only 3 more pounds to go!)

My biggest issues and the reasons I decided to start using the forum (besides losing the last few pounds) are maintaining that loss and getting into better shape overall. Even though I'm almost at the weight I was pre-gain, which was 115lbs, I have huge love handles that won't seem to go away no matter how much I lose and how much muscle I build. I also just want to be healthier overall and learn how to eat to sustain all the hard work I put in.

Anyway that's me and why I'm here. Looking forward to talking with you all and together working towards a healthy lifestyle.

