it a backslidder

i was doing good till last weekend where i just coudnt keep track fof what i was eaiting because i was somehwhere else celebrating... the whole weeekend was a bust .. no exercise no caloriecountor . i felt like who cares and just layed in the bed the whole day ... i did eat goood but i just didnt write it..I fel like im loosing my desere to do this I finally got down to 200 then now afer this weeked i notice im 202...totally bumbed this is what happens when i take one dayoff it leads intlo the next day and the next day...I think its been 4 to 5days since i last exercised. and the last 3 days since i last calorie countd. ....:sssssiiiiigghhs:::what a bummer.


  • Rohnic
    Rohnic Posts: 82
    Sounds like a real bummer, but try not to let it ruin everything you worked for so far!
    Its been a full weekend and you didnt exercise for a while, maybe you needed that.
    Slow down a little and get back on track, you can do this
    Add me as a friend for mutual support and Motivation, if you like.