[CLOSED GRP] SPARTANS No Excuses November WEEK 2

Welcome to our CHAT THREAD!

Some links:
Week Two Check in: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/387770-spartans-no-excuses-november-week-2-check-in-thread
My Blog (Daily challenge archive): http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/kateland

**** SPARTAAAANS! *****

Today we check in from week one and begin week two! The good news is, we've got three weeks left to go, so if your progress isn't what you wanted, you can start again RIGHT NOW and get back on track.

The other good news is, we're down ONE WEEK already!


CORE. We're gonna rock your abs - again. This time, let's see how far you get doing some SPIDERMANS. Aim for 30. (http://www.askfitnesscoach.com/how-to-do-the-spiderman-core-exercise/)

(Challenges are posted on my blog in advance for our international folks!)


  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    So tonight I leave for DC on business for two days. I'm taking a train down, which is great, I can sit quietly with my laptop and write. I'm doing well on my novel for the month of November...Wrote 10 new pages while on vacation. I want to focus on it a little more so that when I sit down I'm writing, not thinking or reading. After this week I should be able to do that.

    Not sure if I will exercise today. I cut my foot yesterday on one of the dog's mangled "powerful chewer" nylabones and didn't notice until last night in the tub I was cut. Yuck, I can only imagine the germs that have been sitting on the open cut, so I Neosporin'ed the heck out of it and its sore to walk on today.

    However, I'm doing a great job of controlling the portions (as long as I DON'T eat swiss rolls :grumble: ) so I have faith that on diet alone I can knock out 3 lbs this week. I know my PMS is on the way but i"m ignoring it and working my butt off, anyway.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    Goodmorning fellow Spartan's:smile:
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Checking myself into the week 2 thread.

    It's good to see a lot of people made good progress in week 1 :) I have only done a couple of the daily challenges, as I am adjusting to a totally new exercise regime, along with my existing cycling. Just don't seem to have the time or am aching too badly some days!

    Food intake has been a big factor for me and I am surprised at how disciplined I seem to have been (so far). Hopefully I can keep this up. Will try to get to the gym tonight but won't be trying spinning again until after Saturday, as I am commited to an 80 mile overnight ride to the coast, on Friday night. Can't risk killing my legs before this.
  • MzGrinch9250
    MzGrinch9250 Posts: 376 Member
    Good morning Spartans. Everyone did a fantastic job with week one. Congratulations to everyone who had a loss.

    I'm not going to weigh in until Friday since this is the day I had set when I first started MFP. When I first joined this group I had a goal to start running. I'm going to start focusing on my strength training instead and that will be my goal for the remainder of this challenge.
  • cnkan0119
    cnkan0119 Posts: 113 Member
    So tonight I leave for DC on business for two days. I'm taking a train down, which is great, I can sit quietly with my laptop and write. I'm doing well on my novel for the month of November...Wrote 10 new pages while on vacation. I want to focus on it a little more so that when I sit down I'm writing, not thinking or reading. After this week I should be able to do that.

    Welcome to the DMV. I hope you enjoy yourself down here! It's hard to stay on track when on travel but I know you can do it!
  • hypergrl
    hypergrl Posts: 188 Member
    sittingduck76 - WTG on your food intake. I have issues with that too; I even got a sort of good meal from Olive Garden instead of going for something completely bad for me.

    ycc1964 - GM I hope all is well with you.

    kateland - it seems you and I are in the same boat. I'm sure now that I pulled a muscle in my back. Not sure doing what, but I'm hoping it won't stop me from working out today I'm on a roll!

    Well I started out strong with our challenges last week and then got to feeling poorly; so I'm going to have to just try and fit them in if I can after I do my other workouts. I find if I'm trying to do too much then I'll get burned out really quick. I do really want to work on my core some more though. I know i'm losing weight, but I swear when I was doing Insanity, my core was just tighter after a couple of weeks and I can tell you Spartans, my core is feeling anything but tight. So I'm going to at least do the Spartan Core challenges, just maybe not on the exact days they are given. :)
  • I GAINED.... 1.6lb gain...ugh...everyone is welcome to friend me and look at my journal and suggest whatever if you'd like...I did weigh myself on saturday, and was down...but since saturday I have gained exactly 2lbs...whats up with that?
    on a happier note, I did a killer workout last night, and had to work up my courage!! lol. my husband was awake and in plain view of me...i hate working out infront of people!!
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    On the plus side--I have been far more disciplined (and honest) completing my food diary than I ever have before. I haven't missed a single day and I haven't been over in calories. I've identified some important triggers, which is the first step in eliminating them. I haven't weighed myself because it is PMS time and I know the results will discourage me. I have a tendency to obsess over the number and don't want to do that so close to beginning good dietary habits.

    @char****inson: A lot of factors go into weigh-ins. If you've recently increased water intake from a below optimum level, your body is likely holding on to water. Once it "realizes" that you're going to properly hydrate, it will release that extra water weight. The amount and timing of your weight gain suggests this is the culprit. In order to go up a total of 3.6 lbs, you would have to ingest about an extra 10,000 calories since Saturday.

    Everyone else is doing so well!! Thanks again to Kateland for starting the Spartan group. Three weeks to go!
  • ycc1964
    ycc1964 Posts: 698 Member
    Ok, team there has been no change in my measurements :sad:
  • same here, no change BUT that means no gain either so I'll take it =)
  • demonid
    demonid Posts: 38 Member
    No change over in this neck of the woods, but I managed to make it through some more advanced yoga classes last week. Looking forward to this weeks.
  • lingading
    lingading Posts: 258 Member
    Lost 2.8, happy with that (even though I weighed less earlier in the week)
    Went back to the gym for the first time in like 6 months yesterday. I'm sore. But good sore. Means I did something!
    Late night hunger / lack of groceries in the house made for a run to wendys at like 1130, but I still was under calories. Definitely retaining water today, between working out & having fast food, I'm not surprised. Didn't make it to a full gallon of water, but did fairly well anyways. Found out today that the ymca near my school has 3 lap swimming lanes open from 3-4 (I get out of school at 3 m-f) and Zumba classes are included in my membership :) so I will be working those things into my schedule. This week is gonna be amazing :D
  • gained 2 lbs i got a bit off track and now im more focused than ever now to get done and get the hell out of job corp and get working
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    Good morning everyone....I gained this week....2.5 pounds....I am actually not too disappointed as I was on vacation for the past 10 days and this was the 1st time in nearly 8 months that I took a break from logging in all my food intake and just really enjoyed myself. I know that I can get back on track and hopefully will be able to get rid of this weight quickly. I need to get going as I am heading out for a conference starting this Saturday...so this week need to get back to the basics.

    Will get on the core stuff this afternoon...thanks for the daily challenges...I didn't have time to do too many of them last week, but will try it this week. Have a great week everyone :-)
  • julsmarshall
    julsmarshall Posts: 129 Member
    Didn't lose :( But also didn't gain :) Working out still going well, I'm sticking with the 30 DS, I'm on day 11. I've also added in some power walking/jogging a couple of evenings and feel really great afterwards, go I'm going to try to do that more often.

    It really is amazing how much more energy I have when I work our and make good food choices--it has been a night and day difference!

    Keep on going everyone! Going to try the spiderman thing when I get home. I'm a little skeered! :)
  • I haven't lost anything. My food and work-outs are not where I want them to be so I'm just going to keep working to my goal! TEAM SPARTANS
  • manda127
    manda127 Posts: 145
    Hello Spartans!

    For all of you that haven't had a great week I hope this one is better for you

    My week has been up and down with food intake, but on the plus side I've stuck to my exercise goal. Today has been one of those days where I could quite happily eat anything put down in front of me, so I'm going to do everything I can to stay away fron the kitchen for the rest of the day and attempt the spiderman instead!
  • Itsallbs15
    Itsallbs15 Posts: 262 Member
    Today was a good day even after gaining 0.2 lbs. (yes I know it is nothing but it is still a gain in my mind.) I raised my run distance to 1 mile and walked 2.75. The time wasn't great but I'll take what I can get at this point. Tomorrow is abs, arms and running again.
  • Nicholec2003
    Nicholec2003 Posts: 158 Member
    wow...those Spiderman moves make my shoulders hurt. Am I doing something wrong or di I just have week shoulders?
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Hi guys! Long work day ahead of me, I will check in tonight and respond.

    Just wanted to tell you I started a Spartan group to make communication and check in easier for us!


    Please join up and by the weekend I'll have stuff organized.

    Have a great day!