I know it sounds bad

But i absolutely hate exercising. Everything about it puts me off, the muscle ache the sweating, the feeling of being out of breath. Has anyone got any tips on how to enjoy exercise...maybe im just lazy....


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    Try to find something you will enjoy! I just did a Pole Fitness class, which was fun because I could only laugh at myself the whole way through! Forgot I was exercising for once!
  • e_morr
    e_morr Posts: 6 Member
    Realize the first couple weeks are painful if you're starting from scratch. After you build up some muscle and see some results, you'll start to enjoy it - and feel guilty when you don't do it. Just like everyone else - you gotta start at the bottom and work your way up.

    good luck,

  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    My drive isn't going to be yours, and you need to find yours. Exercise doesn't have to be torturous, it should be fun, and it doesn't have to be typical, you can go to a gym or run or bike or do martial arts or box or pole dance or kettle bell in the park or play soccer or play basketball or or or.
    I like group exercise classes because I like the community atmosphere, I like road running because there are times I need the solidarity, I like swimming for the same reason I like running, I like hiking because I like the scenery, I like lifting weights because I like muscles, and I like pushing my body to the brink to see what it's capable of and to figure out how to make it do more. Notice I didn't say I like to be out of breath (I do however like to be muscle sore, it's like a badge of honor when I have a hard time getting up the stairs from a great weight session). You find what you do like and you live in that zone.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    I agree with e-morr....it is hard at first but once you start seeing change and feeling better it gets better. You feel energized to see more change as you continue. Just push through it at first and again find something that you enjoy as much as possible. Good luck
  • Don't dive into lifting heavy weights or hard core cardio. Try just walking or walking on a treadmill on an incline. Just keep it with baby steps right now. Eventually, you'll want to walk longer, or walk faster, or even jog because you feel the energy to do so.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I swim, and I also do an aqua aerobics class. I love it as I don't get all hot and sweaty LOL I also find I burn off more calories with less stress on my poor old rheumaticky bones and joints than if I do a gym session.
  • hannahlbur
    hannahlbur Posts: 221 Member
    Try to stick with it as it does get easier. I can remember when I first started at the gym when I was 17 and I found it really frustrating that I couldn't walk on the treadmill or go on the x trainer for more than 5 minutes. But I kept going and gradually added more time and intensity. Now I find new fitness challenges for myself all the time and try new things - it's good that it's hard it means you are challenging yourself and will improve :happy:

    Try different things too - different machines at the gym, classes, sports etc.
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I have always hated sports and any exercise I have done was sporadic. I just didn't see myself in sports clothes or in a gym. I can't even swim. I'm certainly not an advocate fro pain and sweat!
    One thing I do like though is to walk, especially when on holiday seeing new places. Eventually I got a gym membership. I really hated it at first, but it has got better. But I'm still not completely addicted to it. Recently I started gym again after over a year of talking about it. Often it's that first step over the threshold that makes all the difference.
    I still don't like the gym, but I know it helps me to be healthier. So when I go on holiday and climb a steep hill somewhere and don't get out of breath, I reckon it's worth it. I can tell the difference as soon as I do some exercise. As others have said - there is an activity out there with your name on it. And when you find it and make it part of your life, you'll see the difference it makes.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Try and take your exercise outdoors. Obviously with winter coming up, it's not the best timing. However, many find exercise much more enjoyable when they do it outside.
  • icemaiden17_uk
    icemaiden17_uk Posts: 463 Member
    I get bored alot when working out so I have to work really hard to prevent it! What I don't get bored of though is yoga!! No sweating and it makes you feel great!! I do Barbra Curries power of yoga and I love it! Give it a go! Try lots of things and you will find something you like! We are not made to sit around!!