How do you count it?

lexley Posts: 35
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
How do you accurately count calories with meals you prepare at home. Say for instance, an Old El Paso Soft shell taco kit? I know it says one thing on the box but what if you add something to it? Like the tasty bits..sour cream, cheese and hot sauce? LOL Do I just limit myself to the "add-ins" on the box (meat and the sauce included?)

I probably make no sense but when I make them I can never estimate exactly HOW much they count for. Like I know I just piled away 3 soft tacos :sad: for lunch and had lettuce, cheese, sour cream and hot sauce...I added what I believe I put in..and I was expecting to have blown my calories completely but I still have almost think thats wrong lol.

So long rambling post over...I hope this made some sense..please help if you can LOL :laugh:


  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    How do you accurately count calories with meals you prepare at home. Say for instance, an Old El Paso Soft shell taco kit? I know it says one thing on the box but what if you add something to it? Like the tasty bits..sour cream, cheese and hot sauce? LOL Do I just limit myself to the "add-ins" on the box (meat and the sauce included?)

    I probably make no sense but when I make them I can never estimate exactly HOW much they count for. Like I know I just piled away 3 soft tacos :sad: for lunch and had lettuce, cheese, sour cream and hot sauce...I added what I believe I put in..and I was expecting to have blown my calories completely but I still have almost think thats wrong lol.

    So long rambling post over...I hope this made some sense..please help if you can LOL :laugh:
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    You just measure everything. say, 2 tbls sour cream, 2tsp guac, 1/2 cup chopped tomato, 1oz shredded cheddar, etc, and add those to your diary. Is that what you meant?
  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    I guess lol. I do have the seemingly natural ability to take a simple process and muck it up! Thanks! I guess I'll just have to stick with whats on the box because quite frankly I'm lazy.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    If you put it in your mouth YOU HAVE TO LOG IT, otherwise trying to use this site will be worthless. I am a lazy one myself, but by being accountable for exactly what I put in my mouth I have learned to watch out what I put in. If you did in fact put, lettuce, sour cream, cheese and the like in there, all of those things can add up big.......I know just the cheese can be 100 or more calories an ounce (which is not the usual amount the average person uses-usually 3 or more ounces) and your fat intake will also go up. You definately should take the time to log this stuff in otherwise you're doing yourself a disservice and basically self might find that you may want to adjust this meal in the future if 3 tacos stuffed is 600 calories of your 1200 calorie alotment, you may want to prepare it different or forgo the sour get the picture. If you are not planning to try to follow the calorie intake, then you might not be ready to do this.

    That's my thoughts.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    GO GREEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • wannaBme
    wannaBme Posts: 143
    I guess lol. I do have the seemingly natural ability to take a simple process and muck it up! Thanks! I guess I'll just have to stick with whats on the box because quite frankly I'm lazy.

    Ahhh come on !!
    Type in the extras .... once they are added to your list of foods it's easy to add them the next time.
    One step at a time, one good choice at a time ... just a tiny bit of effort everyday.
    That's how you'll reach your 50 lb goal :wink: You're worth it !
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    you need to measure what you add in to things. if i make myself tacos from a prepared kit, i make sure i also take into consideration what meat i'm using and nutritional info of that, how many calories of sour cream i add 1 teaspoon, etc), 1 tablespoon of salsa. Really be diligent about measuring those add ons because they do add up
  • lexley
    lexley Posts: 35
    Yeah, I think this meal does require tweaking. Next time I'll use turkey and low fat sour cream, less cheese and more veggies. :) Got lots of new ideas on here! Thanks you guys! :drinker:
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