the abs diet
Posts: 257 Member
Has ANYONE really heard of this?? Some guy i used to work with a few years back told me about it and i've been pretty much following it on and off since then. I've noticed that when i do follow it correctly i notice, cant really document correctly, that my fatty areas start depleting.
if you've followed this, how has it worked for you?
If you havent, i would DEFINTELY recommend this book to people who want to do things the slow way w/o sacrificing food,. just go to i think, if not google the abs diet and the website will pop up.
if you've followed this, how has it worked for you?
If you havent, i would DEFINTELY recommend this book to people who want to do things the slow way w/o sacrificing food,. just go to i think, if not google the abs diet and the website will pop up.
Utter nonsenseSimply put, The Abs Diet is a scientifically
proven food plan that turns on your metabolic
fat furnaces and puts the resulting energy to
work building muscle. Within 2 weeks, you'll lose
up to 12 pounds of fat — from your belly first!
From there, you'll convert fat to muscle with a sensible exercise (30 minutes three times a week) and eating (six meals a day!) plan that will give you your best physique and keep you at optimal health for life. This is a diet plan anyone can stick to: The portions are man-sized, the instructions are simple, and the results will be food that any man (or woman) would love!
all diets work the same, a caloric deficit0 -
Utter nonsenseSimply put, The Abs Diet is a scientifically
proven food plan that turns on your metabolic
fat furnaces and puts the resulting energy to
work building muscle. Within 2 weeks, you'll lose
up to 12 pounds of fat — from your belly first!
From there, you'll convert fat to muscle with a sensible exercise (30 minutes three times a week) and eating (six meals a day!) plan that will give you your best physique and keep you at optimal health for life. This is a diet plan anyone can stick to: The portions are man-sized, the instructions are simple, and the results will be food that any man (or woman) would love!
all diets work the same, a caloric deficit
I call this diet
[img][/img]0 -
Edit: NOPE0 -
It's a low carb diet. If you think such diets are magic, more power to you.0
Utter nonsenseSimply put, The Abs Diet is a scientifically
proven food plan that turns on your metabolic
fat furnaces and puts the resulting energy to
work building muscle. Within 2 weeks, you'll lose
up to 12 pounds of fat — from your belly first!
From there, you'll convert fat to muscle with a sensible exercise (30 minutes three times a week) and eating (six meals a day!) plan that will give you your best physique and keep you at optimal health for life. This is a diet plan anyone can stick to: The portions are man-sized, the instructions are simple, and the results will be food that any man (or woman) would love!
all diets work the same, a caloric deficit
convert fat to muscle? All comes from your belly first? 12 lbs of fat in 2 weeks? Sounds too good to be true!
...oh wait xD0 -
lol i will take it then none of you have read the book.
its not a low carb diet by any means! i would say its more of a combination of foods to help your body digest and burn fat, its really called the abs diet since it targets belly fat0 -
lol i will take it then none of you have read the book.
its not a low carb diet by any means! i would say its more of a combination of foods to help your body digest and burn fat, its really called the abs diet since it targets belly fat
so Men's Health unlocked the secret to spot reduction and yet only are charging $32 for their wonderful secret, when many would pay much more if true?0 -
I looked on amazon for the book, clicked to preview it, first chapter title that I read was "Your weight is not your fault... Sneaky ways manufacturers are scheming to make you fat" and I about snorted my water all over my laptop!
I do think that there are certain foods that can help with belly fat (foods high in monounsaturated fats like almonds, avacado, olives)... but I don't really care for any of those foods so I couldn't tell you if they help get rid of belly fat or not. -
i would say its more of a combination of foods to help your body digest and burn fat, its really called the abs diet since it targets belly fat
It's biologically impossible to "target belly fat". That's why this is getting all negative replies. That statement alone immediately makes it wrong.0 -
From what I understand you cannot spot reduce. What this describes sounds like crap..... Loose from your stomach first? Who decides this.... only your body will make that decision...... What else, turn fat into muscle??? Really, just change the genetic make up of the cells right, doubtful. You can use the fat cells as energy to build muscle, but you first have to stick with a caloric deficit so that your metabolism will start changing gears...
Just stick with a nutritional eating plan that lends itself to a caloric deficit. Be patient and stick with it.... you will get there. No RUSH!!lol i will take it then none of you have read the book.
its not a low carb diet by any means! i would say its more of a combination of foods to help your body digest and burn fat, its really called the abs diet since it targets belly fat
so Men's Health unlocked the secret to spot reduction and yet only are charging $32 for their wonderful secret, when many would pay much more if true?0 -
I read this book in high school. It's really not that bad. It has you eating a very healthy, very balanced, clean diet. If you read the book, it also acknowledges the fact that it's not just a diet for the abs. I think the title is a publicity stunt (duh).
BUT: It doesn't include any calorie counting what-so-ever. When I followed the plan to a T, I actually gained weight.0 -
I love how its usually the guys that, according to their profile, never seemed to have much trouble with their weight that launch into the old "calorie deficit is all that matters" dogma.
Different people will lose better on different approaches. Try it and see if it appeals to you.
How many times do we have to listen to the "one size fits all" crowd before we clue in they do not know what they are really talking about?0 -
This book is a rehash of the same information many other diet books are selling but with over the top claims at its effectiveness. If you DID lose 12lbs of "belly fat" within 2 weeks, it would only be because you were so bloated from processed food to begin with that when you switched to a whole foods diet, your body dropped the water. This does actually happen, especially if you have a lot to lose.
I get what you are saying though. This isn't a bad plan - complex carbs with protein 6x's a day and a full body circuit + ab work three times a week. For the Average Joe this would be an excellent place to start. You are getting crap from the guys on here that are not Average Joe's. They obviously have figured out their own abs diets
Glad it's working out for you!0 -
I love how its usually the guys that, according to their profile, never seemed to have much trouble with their weight that launch into the old "calorie deficit is all that matters" dogma.
Different people will lose better on different approaches. Try it and see if it appeals to you.
How many times do we have to listen to the "one size fits all" crowd before we clue in they do not know what they are really talking about?
How do you know he hasn't had trouble with his weight?
There are countless studies on the matter. It all boils down to calories in vs calories out.
Some diets suit lifestyles and personal preference0 -
Just my .02 cents...
The Abs Diet Get Fit Stay Fit Plan by David Zinczenko changed my life.
It gave me a simple, easy to follow basic outline on getting back into shape. I started out at over 225 pounds over a year ago, am now down to 160, and still heading toward my goal of 130.
I don't remember any uber fantastic claims of melting away body fat. The most important thing I took from this book was the Abs Diet Power 12 foods. I didn't view it as a "diet" as in something to do for a while. Those power 12 foods are now what I eat as my basic lifestyle diet.
The book also included various exercise routines to get you started.
For me, it was a great place to start.
I didn't stop reading or expanding my knowledge after reading just this one book. However, the book was a major catalyst for improving my health and reducing my weight.
I don't believe there is any one book or person with all the answers. For me this was a great place to start. Everybody has to start somewhere.
eta: I only paid .40cents for the book and $2.00 shipping from amazon or e-bay.0 -
Good insight.... My answer is based an research and a little experience as I have not gained the abs I seek yet.... The other thing that wasn't mentioned is that you still can do core workouts to strengthen your core and make your abs show more, but it will still boil down to losing the fat above the abs... which requires a caloric deficit:)I love how its usually the guys that, according to their profile, never seemed to have much trouble with their weight that launch into the old "calorie deficit is all that matters" dogma.
Different people will lose better on different approaches. Try it and see if it appeals to you.
How many times do we have to listen to the "one size fits all" crowd before we clue in they do not know what they are really talking about?
How do you know he hasn't had trouble with his weight?
There are countless studies on the matter. It all boils down to calories in vs calories out.
Some diets suit lifestyles and personal preference0 -
I am trying this as well the 12 power foods make sense and so does the eating plan but of course i still count cals.0
Different strokes for different folks. I cannot wear "one size fits all" hats. They don't make them my size (8 1/4 - 8 1/2) I wonder if there's a head diet to shrink my head.0
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