Hello from Ohio

Hi: I joined this site a few weeks ago to try to lose about 30 pounds and get in better shape. This time next year, I would love to be in the best shape of my life. I have friends that want me to run a 5K so that is my goal for the spring and I plan to train all winter. I also want to strengthen my core to reduce low back pain and my upper body because it is weak and I would love to have muscle definition in my arms instead of jiggly jelly. I love to cook and eat and I am hypoglycemic so I have to eat to feel good. My weight loss wil be sloooooowwww. I am hoping that this site will help me stick with it for the long term. I am also trying to lose weight to reduce my chances of inheriting my family legacy: Type 2 diabetes. I would love to have buddies who have similar goals so we can cheer each other on and swap ideas. Friend me!


  • cloneme_losehalf
    cloneme_losehalf Posts: 356 Member
    From Ohio here also! Welcome! This place is awesome! You will achieve your goals and so much more! I am walking an 8K this month! It is my first. I just started here in September. I will be around for quite sometime. Feel free to add me if you would like. I am not sure how I can help others as I am new to this too, but I can be a shoulder to lean on, ear that listens and can provide a few laughs from time to time.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Welcome and good luck.. From Philly:drinker:
  • smarthart
    smarthart Posts: 7 Member
    Ohio - I am hypoglycemic as well. When I was first diagnosed my doctor suggested I eat a lot of protien and eat often. I took that as a pass to overeat. Just because you need to eat regularly does not mean you need to overeat to feel good. Eat mini-meals (healthy, low-fat, low sugar and high protien) throughout the day and keep to the calories as indicated by myfitnesspal.com. You will lose weight at a decent rate....not sloooooow. You will feel better - just like I do - I guarantee.
  • I just started yesterday myself. one of the best parts about using this site is the people who encourage you to better. It's amazing that complete strangers can encourage you to achieve your goals more than your own family at times. We are all here for the same reason and that is to be healthier and happier. Your in good company. Good luck with your journey. Im sure you'll do great.
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Hello and welcome to the community. Hope you will enjoy it here. It certinally helped me get fit and loose the weight. And the encouragement from other members is priceless. Enjoy CU later