Need Ideas For Oatmeal

RyanDanielle5101 Posts: 533
edited October 4 in Food and Nutrition
So I have switched to plain because we all know the flavored stuff has too much sugar, however I cannot eat it plain. So far I've tried honey and fruit and I like it but nothing else. I don't care for peanut butter and I like nuts but not in stuff if that makes sense....Any Ideas???


  • Raisons
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Add honey and pumpkin pie spices. Yum!

    This site is fantastic! I hope you find some recipes you enjoy :D
  • allie864
    allie864 Posts: 298
    Oh, man, sometimes I wish I didn't like peanut butter...but aside from that... I add apples, cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice &/or even a few chocolate chips once in a while for a different flavor :)
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    I WANT to like oatmeal. For me it's too mushy. Should I keep trying and add nuts or something else? Ideas are appreciated :)
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    cottage cheese, peanut butter and bananas.
  • jukemaster
    jukemaster Posts: 49 Member
    If oatmeal is too mush, then try steel cut oats. They take forever to cook, but they aren't mushy. I boil water and mix the oatmeal and water in a mason jar overnight. When I wake up in the morning, it's ready to eat after 30 seconds in the microwave to reheat.
  • I like to mince up some almonds and coconut (unsweetened) and sometimes add a little molasses and then 1 tsp. of organic sugar. I find if you use the longer cooking oats, it is much less mushy and has more texture and nuttiness to it.
  • Gee45
    Gee45 Posts: 171
    I like apple, cinnamon and honey. Or banana, walnuts and maple syrup on mine.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    I like it with frozen berries or peaches, honey, and a shot of milk. Also, if you like dark chocolate, cocoa nibs are great in both oatmeal and yogurt. Chopped apples are good, my sister puts apple sauce in hers. My dad used to make it for us with raisins and honey when we were kids and I still like it that way sometimes. I second the pumpkin pie spices idea!
  • Lilylove86
    Lilylove86 Posts: 36 Member
    I started using 1/2 cup of oats with 1 cup of milk (skim) and a bit of water with cinnamon. I cook it only till the oats are cooked but its still runny-ish then add 1 teaspon of brown sugar. I tried other ways but this is my fave. Its creamy =D
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    I made oatmeal from the Quaker Old-Fashioned oats and bake it in the toaster oven with water and the following:
    chopped apple, cinnamon, chopped walnuts, a sprinkling of brown sugar and salt. When it comes out, I add some
    ground flax seed. It is yummy and all of the ingredients are helpful in reducing cholesterol (except the brown sugar!).

    Bon appetite!!
  • hatravers
    hatravers Posts: 159 Member
    tablespoon of delight flavoured coffee creamer, is only 40 cals and makes a whole lot of diference :)
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    i once read this and tried it, and it was great, u should try too

    In the evening fill a bowl or tupperware with equal parts raw oats, yogurt and milk (or adjust to taste) and leave in the fridge overnight. In the morning, the oats will be perfectly “done” and ready to eat cold. Just add fruit, granola, nuts, peanut butter & jelly, or other toppings when time to eat. Great simple breakfast, which is especially delicious in the summertime when you don’t want to eat anything hot!
  • prettyfitchick
    prettyfitchick Posts: 502 Member
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Thanks! I will definitely try the steel cut oats.
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    Steel cut for me too! I top with a tablespoon of brown sugar and two tablespoons of dried cranberries!
  • Thanks everyone:smile: I will try some of these ideas!!
  • re08scue
    re08scue Posts: 71 Member
    I like to soak my oats overnight in water plus 2 tablespoons Kefir (I read somewhere that soaking them helps with digestion. Could be bunk, but doesn't hurt). I'll also add raisins or diced dried apricots and a dash of cinnamon.

    When I'm in a hurry (and have forgotten to soak) I usually just add blueberries and ground flax meal and a dash of kefir or milk. The berries make it sweet enough for me.
  • BeLightYear
    BeLightYear Posts: 1,450 Member
    Definitely go for the steel cut oats. Just make a batch on Sunday and split it up for the week, it takes about 45 minutes to cook it down.

    I like to add Hershey's lite syrup, makes it taste like a chocolate cookie and only adds 45 calories :bigsmile:
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    I alternate between blueberries (fresh or frozen) & cinnamon; apples & cinnamon; coconut, cocoa & cinnamon.
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