

  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    Welcome to our newest members! Great to have you with us!

    Don't worry - it is not necessary to befriend everyone in the group - the idea is to meet on the group forum without adding tons of friends (unless you want to!!!!!) That is the great thing about MFP - you can make it want you want it to be. Hope you find this group helpful in keeping you motivated.

    For our newest members - if you take a look at the first entry in this thread, you'll see the task and question for this week - feel free to pipe in if you like!

    I for one have enjoyed reading all the fantastic attributes you ladies have, and yet I also relate to the hesitation / negative body image we likely all struggle with from time to time.

    SmangeDiggs - I totally get what you mean about wanting to model a healthy body image...It is so important!