Am I losing to fast??!!

I'm pleased with my progress but I'm a bit worried I am losing too fast.  It's nice to get on a scales and see a loss but  I'm not sure.  My goal was 2 years to lose the weight and at the pace I'm going it will be less than one year.   It's only the start of my weight loss I think about 45 or 50 days, do I need to slow down or is it because I have a large amount to lose?? 50 to 60 kg. I really want to do this in a healthy way and let my mind and body adjust along the way.


  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    No. At first you will lose more than the normal amounts. It will taper off slowly as you get farther along your journey. AS long as you are eating enough calories and losing it the proper way you should be fine.
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    the more there is to shed, the faster it will start to go but you will eventually hit a plateau and lose slowly. keep up the grrreat work!!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    I will slow down on it's own eventually. If you're feeling good, I say ride it out.
  • You will most likely slow on the weight loss as the time goes. I agree with all the above comments from others. Just make sure you are eating! The worst you can do is eat too little b/c as you start eating it will back-fire. Sounds like you are doing GREAT!
  • kerrylou45
    kerrylou45 Posts: 60 Member
    I am glad I asked, I will keep on doing what I'm doing and I will probably end up back on here in 6 months wondering why I can't lose anything lol ;p
  • mistylynnfoster
    mistylynnfoster Posts: 14 Member
    I have been making conscious effort to lose weight since May of this year, and I am already down 58.4 lbs. Some weeks, I will lose 4 or 5 lbs. or more. The next week, it could be only 1 lb. or less. The point is, it generally averages out. In the 24 weeks I have been on this journey, I have lost an AVERAGE of 2.43 lbs. per week. My goal is to lose 2 lbs. per week, so over time, even if I flub up one week, or am a rock star the next, it averages out. That being said, I have a LOT of weight to lose. I started out with a BMI over 60! The heavier you are, the more calories you burn just breathing, walking, sleeping, sitting etc. So it makes sense that if you start eating the proper amount of calories for your height, age and gender, you will lose weight faster than someone who is smaller than you. If you are someone like me who has a long way to go, the lbs. will come off much faster in the beginning.

    One thing that I like about myfitnesspal is that if you follow the program (without making manual calorie adjustments), they will not "allow" you to lose more than 2 lbs. per week. That is the max recommended, because slow weight loss is the best way to keep the weight off in the long-run and learn new healthy habits over time. However, again, if you are a bigger person and go from a sedentary lifestyle with a 4,000 calorie diet to a moderately active lifestyle and a 1,200 calorie diet, you're gonna drop the lbs. fast at first!

    I say all that to say that you should celebrate the victories. Be proud of yourself and keep up the good work!

    My ONLY caution would be to make sure you are eating enough calories. [If you start out your program with myfitnesspal, they will ask you to enter in your starting weight, height, gender and age. Then, they'll ask you how much you want to lose per week (up to 2 lbs.). Based on all that information, you will know how many calories you should be eating every day.] If you are not counting calories, or if you are on a diet that has you eating less than 1,200 calories per day, then you need to be eating more. Never eat less than 1,200 calories per day!! If you do, you will lose weight at first, probably much too fast, but then your body will become acclimated. It will figure out that you are starving yourself, so it will slow down your metabolism in order to hang on to the very little nutrients that you are providing it. You will also feel like crap, because you are not getting enough calories to have any energy. Then guess what? If you ever start eating like a normal person again, you will gain weight FASTER than before, because your metabolism has now slowed down. This is what nutritionists call yo-yo dieting.

    This may be way more information than you were looking for, but I thought I would share. If you want to figure out exactly how many calories you should be eating, you need to first figure out your basal metabolic rate (BMR). There are calculators all over online. Just do a Google search. Then, if you want to lose 2 lbs. per week, then subtract 1000 calories from your BMR, and that's how many calories you should eat per day! It's as simple as that.

    I hope this helps. :)