Another newbie who is tired of being sick and tired…

of her weight.

Hello all :) I’m LaTee21 from Virginia Beach, VA. I was introduced to this site by my lovely cousin and fellow member MrsRid****. She knows I’m trying to change my lifestyle. I don’t want to diet; I want to change the way I live and eat. I know that’s easier said than done so that’s why I’m here. I want and need the encouragement, tips, and knowledge.

About me…I’m 5’8 and I want to lose 100 pounds. I really had no clue how much my weight had spiraled out of control until a doctor’s visit for sleep apnea. The fears of this condition and the uneasiness I have with the skin I’m in have driven me to this place. I officially started the path to my new life on October 3rd and to date I have lost 8 pounds. It’s a start but I know I need more. I don’t mind the weight coming off slow and easy because I understand I didn’t put it on overnight. I just need to learn. I need to learn about reading labels, filling food choices, how to cook tasty veggies un-southern style, etc…

I look forward to making new weight loss friends. :happy:


  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Welcome! A lot of us have stories like yours-me included. I can tell you, after 4 months I feel so much better. I'm shocked at what losing 30 lbs will do for you healthwise. Add me as a friend for support if you want to.
  • christinehay78
    christinehay78 Posts: 82 Member
    Good for you! This site is great & full of supportive people. Friend request sent xx
  • missmo248
    missmo248 Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome to the site! It sounds like we have similar weight loss goals so I sent you a friend request.
  • welcome! i'm in the same boat, we can do this:smile:
  • welcome and well done with the start you have made ;) I am sure you will find this very useful for tracking things :)
  • mbmorse1011
    mbmorse1011 Posts: 492 Member
    Welcome! Over the past 3 months this site and people have been so crucial to my weight loss. We have similar goals so feel free to ad me!
  • demetria423
    demetria423 Posts: 25 Member
    WELCOME!! I'm Demetria from Northern Virginia. You already have the right frame of mind: not dieting but changing your lifestyle. I had success previoiusly with this site and once I stopped using it I gained the weight back so this site is definitely very effective and supportive . Good luck !!
  • StephanieRDMS
    StephanieRDMS Posts: 90 Member
    Hey girlie girl...welcome! I'm from Richmond! I'm 5'8" as well, and am looking to lose like 100lbs. I joined two weeks ago tomorrow, and my weigh-in days are Wednesdays...I originally weighed 172.8 and one week later I've dropped 5lbs! I'm nervous to see what tomorrow will bring, but I'm looking forward to it! I'm gonna send you a friend request now :o)
  • Welcome to the forum!! We are glad to have you here. If you look down the topics you will find a group that is trying to lose 100 pounds+. If you are looking for a lifestyle change, try buying the Weight Watchers cook book. I tried following the points system, but I didn't get enough calories. So I just started using the recipies and tracking my calories. Good luck and hope to see you soon.
  • BlJohnston77
    BlJohnston77 Posts: 54 Member
    Welcome!!!! The support here is amazing. I love it because i can read other people's success stories and it keeps motivated!!!! I am sending you a friends request. We could both use lots of support and motivation. :happy:
  • Hello, I am in Atlanta, Georgia and I just joined this site yesterday and I already love it. I need to lose about 100lbs or more. I have high blood pressure and i really need to get it undercontrol. My biggest problems are 1) after a few months I am not as motivated to exercise and do the right things nutritionally. And I slip back into my old habits; 2) I eat way too much in the evenings; and 3) I like to have an alcoholic cocktail every so often:drinker: .

    So I am starting over, AGAIN, and hopefully I will be able to stick with it. Maybe with this site I can stay in right frame of mind to accomplish my goals.
  • LaTee21
    LaTee21 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks for the support! I’m gonna love this place.:heart::
  • Welcome and I wish you the best of luck.
    Feel free to add me for some extra support :]
  • Hey there!
    When I was at my highest weight, I was diagnosed with sleep apnea as well - felt like the elephant woman wearing my mask (my husband has apnea as well, so we looked quite "sexy" when we went to bed at night :laugh: ) . After I lost the first 40 pounds, I no longer needed the mask, and it was incredibly freeing. At this point, I'm three years without apnea. You can do this!