Ignorant people at the gym... grrr



  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Arggggh. That really makes me angry. They must be pretty insecure with themselves and feel the need to say that crap to make themselves feel better.

    Whenever I see a heavier person struggle in the gym, I say a little prayer in my head asking God to give them strength and motivation. I also do that when I'm out walking and see runners - big or small - I say a prayer and ask God to give them a little spring in their step. Everyone needs a little spring now and then :)
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    Trip them.

    You're my new best friend.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Gah...I hate that! I'm glad you said something to them.

    I like to do my HIIT workouts by doing sprints on the treadmill. I keep my music pumped up and I stare straight ahead to keep myself focused. Well, I was doing my thing the other day, totally in my zone, unaware of anyone else around me, when my ipod died and I realized I was the topic of conversation to the 2 ladies walking on the treadmills next to me. I kept my ear buds in so they wouldn't know I could hear them. They didn't know "what I was trying to prove". :huh: I understand that not everyone understands how HIIT workouts work but....really? Mind your own business! :mad:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Gah...I hate that! I'm glad you said something to them.

    I like to do my HIIT workouts by doing sprints on the treadmill. I keep my music pumped up and I stare straight ahead to keep myself focused. Well, I was doing my thing the other day, totally in my zone, unaware of anyone else around me, when my ipod died and I realized I was the topic of conversation to the 2 ladies walking on the treadmills next to me. I kept my ear buds in so they wouldn't know I could hear them. They didn't know "what I was trying to prove". :huh: I understand that not everyone understands how HIIT workouts work but....really? Mind your own business! :mad:
    You should have called them out on it - would serve them right to know you heard it!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    @Heidi: Deeeefinitely! That's so effin rude!
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    I've never seen anything like that. How terrible! We choose to work out at the YMCA for many reasons, and that would be one of them. We also take our 9 and 11 year olds to work out (they do the treadmill with me), so we don't want music that's not appropriate for kids. My husband is a serious lifter (benches 400) and he can't stand all the attention/competition at some gyms. The Y is a good place for people of all ages and sizes.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    Do you go to a small gym? I go to a largish, 24 hour gym. No issues.
  • gleechick609
    I don't deal with this at my gym but I do deal with people using equipment and NOT WIPING DOWN THE MACHINES.

    This annoys me to not end.

    Also, I would say something to the manager about the mother/daughter. I had an old guy who kept using all of the strength equipment incorrectly (and not like 2 machines at a time.....4 or 5) and wouldn't wipe anything down. He had so many complaints that his membership was terminated!
  • afigueroa_pr
    I am so glad that I don't deal with that attitude in my wellness center!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Haven't noticed it at my gym but my gym is really small so and there is such a variety of sizes and ages that it doesnt seem to happen here. We do have a weird guy that works there that seems to be fascinated with this one girl that comes in and its a little creepy but she doesnt seem to mind it because she chats it up with him once she gets off the treadmill... and yes.. she does seem him staring at her.
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    are you sure they were making fun of her weight? ive heard people laugh at some people who wear way to much perfume. could it have been that? maybe her clothes were funny in some way?

    i've been the fit guy and the fat guy at the gym and i just find it hard to believe and i have never seen anyone laugh at anyone at the gym because of their weight.
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    These are the same women who have a "favorite" machine at the gym and will stand right next to it until you are done... (this just makes me want to add an extra 15 minutes to my workout...lol) Last time i checked they don't own the place.. Sorry but this crap really bothers me... Its not just kids who have to deal with bullies i guess

    Why don't you ask them if they have a question and when they say no then say" Just wondering because you are standing there and if you want this machine I plan to be on it for another 2 hours." Or start chatting it up with them. Like they are long lost friends. lmao... act like you know them personally.. or create names for them and call them that.. example: betty and sheila (not swear names)
  • sallywilson06
    sallywilson06 Posts: 269 Member
    That makes me so mad to hear that. I cannot believe that some people are so ignorant. When I see someone that is significantly overweight at the gym working their buts off I really get motivated. You can't snub those of who are really working for a better lifestyle. That's just terrible on so many levels.. Actually making fun of anyone working out is really stupid. Why make fun of someone for trying to better themselves.

    I know what you mean about the person with the "favorite" machine at the gym that just waits next to you for you to get off from it. I actually do bump up the amount of time I am on it just to piss them off...lol Then I told her the longer you wait here the longer I will stay on. I pay my gym membership too and shouldn't have to be pushed into getting off from a machine I was clearly on first.
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    That is terrible... When I was younger I frequented larger gyms and worked out in the evenings. I did see this type of thing
    going on sadly....

    My gym now I frequent on my lunch hour when I can and it is mostly working professionals getting in a quick workout, never seen anything like this there midday - thankfully!
  • monet13
    monet13 Posts: 324 Member
    Our gym employs mildly cognitively impaired people - which I think is fantastic! Sometimes they are not always the best with social proprieties, I think people generally realize their limitations but occasionally people misunderstand and get offended. Maybe this man has impairments? If not, yeah that is creepy! I try to go to the gym at lower attendence times, both so I have more access to equipment, and so I avoid all the 'hotbodies' posturing with each other and trying to hook-up :) I also liie the 'trip em" idea!
  • sdwelk11
    sdwelk11 Posts: 825
    Our gym employs mildly cognitively impaired people - which I think is fantastic! Sometimes they are not always the best with social proprieties, I think people generally realize their limitations but occasionally people misunderstand and get offended. Maybe this man has impairments? If not, yeah that is creepy! I try to go to the gym at lower attendence times, both so I have more access to equipment, and so I avoid all the 'hotbodies' posturing with each other and trying to hook-up :) I also liie the 'trip em" idea!

    Nope he is of normal cognition... He just really has the hots for her but in a really creepy way!