Home for the holidays

Hi everyone! I am a college senior and recently started using my MFP account regularly. I'm determined to reach my weight loss goal in a healthy, positive way and feel better than ever at graduation! However, one obstacle I see in the near future is being home for a month in December/January for the holidays.

Being home means being around a lot of food I wouldn't normally keep in the house at school (my family are generally healthy eaters but there are always treats around, and we eat dinner together every night which can sometimes mean pasta dishes or red meat) and no access to a gym like the wonderful one I have just 5 minutes away when school is in session. Unfortunately my hometown is freezing during the winter and it will be too cold/icy to run outside during that time of year. Do you all have any suggestions on how to best keep up my workouts (especially cardio) and keep my diet in check while I'm home? I was home for a month over the summer and gained weight so it's been on my mind. Thanks so much for all your help!


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Fit some treats into your calories
  • Jillian1104
    Jillian1104 Posts: 119 Member
    As a recently graduated college student, I know how tough that can be.

    My best suggestion would be like the above--fitting the treats in... and obviously portion control.

    As far as exercise, have you considered picking up a DVD like 30DS? It's pretty cheap, even for a college student's budget... And if that doesnt work... you can find some stuff on Netflix that is streamable.. if anyone in your family has an account. One in particular I like is the 10 Minute Solutions workout :-)

    Good luck!!
  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    You could use a home workout video. Insanity doesn't require any equipment (other than the discs of course), so that could be a good option, but the discs are not exactly what I'd call cheap.