Mid section Issues

So I am a mom of two, the youngest is three. With both my girls i gained massive amounts of wieght highst being 260, I am now down to 151 and have gotten lower however after two c sections it seems like no amount of excersise will flatten my stomach. I am a huge cardio girl and work out twice a day five times a week, in addition i do my sit ups, planks, flutter kicks, bycycle crunches, push ups four times a week. Anyone else have issues with this?


  • javagirl4012
    i wish someone WOULD comment on this...i cant seem to tighten up my mid section either, but i did not have a c section.... im 40 yrs old and have had two children. i dont do kicks just walk,bike, and zumba....
  • pmcder10
    From my understanding (from doing research online) a large part of getting a flat stomach has to deal with diet. Eating lots of food that contain large amounts of sodium make it easy for the body to retain water and cause bloating in the mid section. I've also read that getting rid of the mid section is the most difficult, especially for women as our bodies are designed to retain weight in that area because of child bearing. I haven't done a ton of research on how to flatten a stomach, or tighten the muscles underneath, but in the little that I have done, majority of the research points to diet/nutrition as being the key to it. I hope this helps add some insight.
  • beckie4442
    I belive I read somewhere that it is very difficult to get a flat stomach after a c-section as the docs have to cut through your muscles in your stomach to get the baby out and this destroys the ability for the muscles to be used properly after healing... If I were you I would do some research on the internet or ask your doctor.... Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    No specific exercise is going to do it. You simply have to lose fat.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Dr oz had a show on last week where he said people with apple shapes should go low carb?
  • mehinalani
    Hmm thanks, Yeah I am gonna keep up the cardio and the floor work and see what happens, I eat pretty damn clean, but i will try the lower sodium thing. I had got down to a low wieght but then was put on a med that bounced me up 25 lbs, but oh well if anything i am definatly building endurace and strength.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Dr oz had a show on last week where he said people with apple shapes should go low carb?

    For the record, Dr Oz hands out a lot of advice that is based on huge generalities or singular studies without the context of the larger research landscape. He likes to make a splash by tossing out somewhat simplified answers as a way of gaining ratings. I would suggest that before you follow his advice you do some independent research to better understand the benefits and ramifications of his advice. From there you can make a more informed decision.
  • KeepItOff4Life
    So I am a mom of two, the youngest is three. With both my girls i gained massive amounts of wieght highst being 260, I am now down to 151 and have gotten lower however after two c sections it seems like no amount of excersise will flatten my stomach. I am a huge cardio girl and work out twice a day five times a week, in addition i do my sit ups, planks, flutter kicks, bycycle crunches, push ups four times a week. Anyone else have issues with this?

    Is it extra skin or flabby fat? There is a difference, and one you can get rid of with exercise, and the other you can't... The only thing to really help me has been the leg lifts, flutter kicks, and stuff like that... but the skin doesn't go away. :(
  • katcod1522
    katcod1522 Posts: 448 Member
    Dr. Oz is an idiot...IMO. Cant target an area til the fat is gone..then the toning can start.
  • mehinalani
    Unfortunatly i Think it is skin, going from 260 to 150 takes its toll. :(
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Ok, I haven't had any children, but I was 286 lbs at my highest weight. I'm now about 168 lbs at 5'9. I run, and lift heavy and have managed to just about have some kind of flat stomach <
    me in my profile pic.

    However, I do have a little bit of skin that hangs a little down at the bottom of my stomach - losing weight slowly and strength training have helped to smooth this out and now its more of a soft crease rather than a hang (i have no idea if that made sense lol).

    I'm focused on getting stronger and cutting more body fat, but I think theres only so much that I can do with it, the rest I think is skin and I will just have to accept and live with.