Sciatic Nerve Problems

I have been having sciatic nerve pain for about 2 years. The pain is on my right side and starts at the top of my buttocks and goes down to about mid thigh and it also makes my foot up to about mid calf go numb. I have been seeing a doctor/chiropractor for this for about 1 3/4 years, and while it has helped a bit, the pain/numbness is still very much there. All I am being told is to do the best I can with it. Unfortunately, that is not very good! Before this started, i was running a lot. But now I can't even walk more than 2 blocks without the pain/numbness. It totally sucks! It doesn't just hurt from walking, basically it is any kind of cardio. I do what I can, but would love to be able to do so much more!

I was wondering if any of you has had a similar problem and found relief from it.


  • loseiteli
    loseiteli Posts: 242 Member
    I was in a car accident and as a result developed a herniated disk in my lower back. This caused sciatic nerve pain just like you, in my right leg as well. After working with my chiropractor for a year with no real relief he referred me to a pain specialist. They did a bunch of tests and everything and eventually I had a radiofrequency ablation for that nerve. That was about 8 months ago, and although it flairs up at times, for the most part I feel 100% relief!

    I would ask your chiroprator about referring helped me!
  • Kougra
    Kougra Posts: 358 Member
    Try finding a massage therapist that specialize in Neuromuscular. I have a few clients who have sciatic pain. I do NMT on the glutes which releases the piraformis muscle under the glute muscles which relieves the pressure on the sciatic nerve. This has given them quite a bit of relief.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,340 Member
    I have had sciatica pain since I was pregnant with my son in 2008. I still get it randomly. Actually, I hadn't had it for almost a month, which I assumed was because I was working out so much, and then on Friday when I was shredding I felt a pinch in my left butt cheek and fire shot down my leg to my ankle. I laid on the floor for a good 10 minutes until I could get up and limp to the tylenol. lol I was worried that I would have to call Lockwood Crane to get me up. ;)

    So, I just use Aleve or something close to it for pain. My mom had the same issues and got a cortizone shot in the general location and never had sciatica pain again. Have you tried that?
  • goddesshanna
    goddesshanna Posts: 69 Member
    Have you tried different shoes? The reason I ask is because I got a pair of those 'fitness' shoes and was wearing them at work and got the worst bout of sciatica I had ever had. If you create instability at your foot, you can throw off the motion of your whole pelvis which can greatly irritate the sciatic nerve. This has also happened to me from wearing flat shoes because I am an extreme over pronater.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I've had issues with sciatic pain before..............mine got so bad that I thought it was a back issue (runs in my family).

    I ended up going to Physical Therapy for a few months, after which I did stretches and stuff that that she taught me. I have found them to be very valuable exercises that I still use to this day when it begins to flair.

    These are similar - and they really helped me.
  • LexyDawn
    LexyDawn Posts: 113
    Hi there,

    I have suffered with Chronic Sciatica, caused by 2 herniated discs, for about 10 years and have tried everything: massage, physio, chiro, acupuncture and of course have always done the recommended stretches, core strengthening and stuff at home and at the gym.
    I finally got results and found lasting relief by seeing a physiotherapist that was trained in the McKenzie method... it is a technique that was created by a man named Robin McKenzie... He wrote a book Called "Treat Your Own Back". It is very simple but very effective.

    My chiropractor was very good at helping me when I was in pain, but my MacKenzie certified physiotherepist was really good at teaching me the techniques to treat the pain myself... so I don't have to go back to her every time I have a flare up, I can treat and prevent it myself.

    Sciatica, especially Chronic, is not fun. I wish you all the best and hope you find a treatment that helps.
    If you have any questions that you think I can help with, please message me.
  • cecee27
    cecee27 Posts: 46 Member
    I have suffered with sciatic pain since 2004 when I fell while pregnant with my son.

    The BEST home remedy that I have is a Tennis Ball and a Hard Chair.

    I now get injections a couple times a year to aleviate the pain, but when I start having pain and can't get into my doctor right away this is what I do...take a tennis ball put it on a hard chair and sit on it with the side of your glute that the pain is in. Move around on the ball, it helps to loosen up the muscle, much like a massage therapist would do!

    Sounds funny...but I swear it works! I usually do it 3-4 times per day when I am having pain.

    Good luck to you...and yes, the injections work. My doctor does a steriod and time-release anti-inflamatory.
  • AshleyAmmerman
    I know how you feel and then some. I have sciatic nerve pain, along with a out of place spine and nerve damage in my whole left leg. The pain can be horrible. But one of the best things to do is to work out. I know plenty of people, me being one of them, that works out and are fine. Yes it will hurt, yes it will go numb, but it will do that even if you do next to nothing. So why not make the pain worth it. Being out of shape doesn't help matter either. I suggest IB Profen 800, or some other anti inflammatory/pain relief. Stationary bike might be better for you, my mom has sciatic nerve problems and is over 50 and biking has helped her out a lot. Good luck!
    I've been dealing w/ it almost a decade. last year i joined MFP & lost substantial weight. Losing the weight helped some relief. However, the pain level is unbearable @ times that I can not do any physical @ all......I just had an Epidural Nerve Block injection on 10/27/011 & I am still in pain.......I am going to have a consultation w/ my Dr re: surgery......and I have no options left but to do the surgery (Lumbar Fusion). Thee injections do not help out any more.......your Dr is right about having to do the best of it...but what kind of relief is that when U r in constant pain............I wish U well & a speedy recovery soon.................:smokin: :smokin: :drinker: :glasses:
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    Exercise makes the pain soooo much worse and otc pain killers like aleve or advil do not touch it! I

    I did just recently learn of a massage therapist in my town that specializes in chronic pain. I may talk to the dr about seeing her. I am just really hesitant about surgery. But I have to do something because what I am doing is not working!
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    The things that have worked for me are

    1) Prescription orthotics
    2) Physical therapy
    3) Bikram yoga (other yoga would probably work too but the heat seemed to help)
  • kbonamour
    kbonamour Posts: 49 Member
    I had sciatica a few years ago due to a herniated disc. I wound up having to do some pretty intense physical therapy for it.
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    Hi! I can relate to your situation.

    In October of 2009 an MRI showed that I had 2 herniated discs (at L4 & L5). No specific injury or incident - pain started gradually and got worse and worse until I couldn't get out of bed one morning. I had been seeing a chiro for MANY years prior, so I started immediately with adjustments nearly every day to help alleviate the excruciating pain that radiated from low back all the way down my right leg to my foot. Shortly thereafter I started experiencing numbness in my right heel and the outside of my foot - had an EMG and that showed that my nerve & muscle function was normal (thank goodness). Underwent Spinal Decompression Thearapy through my chiros office and the back pain went away, but I still had the numbness in my foot. Went to PT for a few months and got stronger - but still battled the numbness and some sciatic discomfort so I had a steriod injection - didn't help much. Tried a few more rounds of Decompression with no additional help. After another MRI (which showed that the herniation had lessened, but was still impinging), I consulted then with 2 surgeons (Neuro & Ortho) and both told me I was not a surgical candidate. I ended up having 2 additional steriod injections (the last of which finally helped alleviate most of the sciatic pain) and then was told to continue with my exercises & strength-training to keep my back and core strong, & keep seeing the chiro as needed. My chiro was VERY involved in every step of my treatment plan - I have him to thank for getting me where I am now.

    So, fast-forward to present day - 2 years I where I thought I'd be - no. My foot is still partially numb and with regard to my sciatic discomfort - I have good days and better days depending on my activity level. Some day I may wake up and everything will be sunshine & rainbows - but realistically - for as bad as my heriation was....I'll probably always have issues. Is it frustrating - I restricted from doing certain things - sure (but not much)....I just do what I can to keep active, to keep strong so it doesn't happen again!

    Best of luck to you - I hope you find relief soon!!!
  • Carrie_D
    Carrie_D Posts: 120
    I set an appointment with my doctor for Monday morning to discuss other options besides chiropractic care...because that is obviously not working. We will see what he has to say.
  • Careygirl1968
    Careygirl1968 Posts: 58 Member
    I am post-lumbar surgery with chronic problems as well. My advice is this - water exercise, if at all possible; it helps to reduce the impact, and the bouyancy also helps to alleviate some of the pressure, even if only for the time you are in the water. Wear good shoes designed to reduce impact. Elliptical for cardio over treadmill. Use balance balls, ab loungers, any type of equipment that helps to reduce the stress on that area while exercising. And, last, but most certainly not least - stretch . . . every morning when you wake up, before and after exercise, and at night before you go to bed. It makes a HUGE difference.

    Good luck and good health!
  • Madlass
    Hi Carrie,
    I also used to suffer from Siatica but mine has improved since losing weight. Have you tried exercising in the water? Do you suffer the pain if you swim?

  • oceanrose78
    oceanrose78 Posts: 133 Member
    I have had sciatic nerve problems off and on for 6 years. My job as a server kept me on my feet, and sometimes the attacks would be insane.

    The things that I found that helped:

    1 - walking. When it hurts grit your teeth and keep going. Yes, sometimes that means stopping mid step because you can't take it - breathe and keep going. If you lay down, or stop moving those muscles will tighten and the next day will be worse.

    2 - Squats focusing on keeping your back and shoulders straight. It seems to stretch the muscles out.

    3 - Skechers Shape Ups. Yes, there are mixed reviews. These have changed my life! For the past 2 years I've been wearing them and the Tone Ups constantly. My back has been so much better it's unreal. I swear by those shoes for me, and will never go without!

    I have never gone into a doctor (I hate Dr's) though I can feel exactly where the pain in my back is. My Mom has RA and every time I complain about my back I remind myself I need to keep going, and continue on. Being active is key :).
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I have a very similar problem. I have lupus, which is a painful autoimmune condition. I've gradually worked up my walking time, and I can ride a stationary bike, but nothing else right now. Also someone suggested to me that I do two or three 10 minute walks instead of one 30 minute to break up the pain I'm having so I'm going to try that. Good luck I hope you find something. Oh if there's a pool nearby that's supposed to be good.