Exercise calories??

Are you supposed to eat all of the calories you lost in a work out?

For instance, the only meal I have left today is dinner and my diary is telling me I have over 1,000 calories left to consume.
How does this work out?

Thanks for the help!


  • I struggle with the answers to this. So, I'm curious to see what others say. Currently, I have my settings so that my daily caloric intake is 1200. Well, I workout 5 days a week, so those 5 days I 'should' be eating more. But, in the past, in order to really lose the weight, I didn't calculate my exercise in. But, I also wasn't very toned. I've read that in order to keep your lean muscle mass up, you need to account for your exercise....... I don't know. I'm confused.
  • People go about it differently. I work out a lot, and I could never probably eat all my calories back unless I massive junk food binged. I do eat into them somewhat so that my deficit's still big enough for weight loss and that i'm not hungry.
  • Sherie13
    Sherie13 Posts: 250 Member
    If you are hungry, eat. If not, don't eat...
  • amberlycolina
    amberlycolina Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the input. I can handle eating more, though not sure about a 1000 calorie dinner. ;)
  • daves160
    daves160 Posts: 600
    Personally, I will eat some of them back, but not all.
    I try to make them high protein as well so I maintain the muscle as much as possible in a weight loss mode.
  • amberlycolina
    amberlycolina Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i think you should eat most of them...i don't eat back all my exercise calories if i work out, mainly because i'm not hungry after i workout and also because i hit a major plateau. my net is usually around 1000-1200 the days i workout so maybe try to hit that and see what happens (my daily goal is 1400 so if your goal is 1200 i'd shoot for a net of 1000 calories)

    that's just my two cents. i think eating back exercise calories depends on the person and it worked for me for about 25 pounds but after that i had to change it up...

    anyways, in answer to your question i say try to net 1000 calories. try having rice or something more high calorie to stay healthy but get those calories in there
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    This question is ALWAYS asked and the answer is ALWAYS YES! Workout calories keep you in deficit mode so eating them back is not going to make you fat! You need to eat or your body will actually GAIN weight thinking you are hungry, etc. If it says you have 1000 calories left then please eat them. deprving the body that much is NOT GOOD!
  • aingersoll07
    aingersoll07 Posts: 17 Member
    I don't count them...but if I'm hungry I'll eat. I try to keep it mostly protein.
  • KandieLantz
    KandieLantz Posts: 423 Member
    If I burn a lot during a workout, I usually have an extra protein bar. A little extra on the calories, but not too much. Not to say that's right, just how I do it :)
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    As a general rule, I try not to net under 1200 (if you burn 300, eat 1500). Your body needs many more calories than that to simply pump blood and breathe throughout the day, so eating less than that is depriving your body of necessary fuel. Eating most of them back worked wonders for me :D
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    MADE MY DAY! I am tired of hearing this same question over and over!
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    I definitely "eat back" my exercise. Naturally I feel more hungry the more exercise I do!
    At the end of the day, as long as I'm under, or on my calorie goal then I'm happy. And I'm still loosing weight!

    If you have over 1000 calories left, doesn't mean go out and have a whole bunch of food, just eat until you know you're full
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    MPF is designed to put you at a calorie deficit without exercise. That means if you eat their recommended amount, you will lose weight without exercising.
    Most nutritionists and others would take into consideration how much you are exercising when they calculate your base intake of calories.
    So because MPF is set up differently, it encourages you to eat back your calories.

    I don't always eat all of mine back, but I do eat a portion. I want to be able to continue doing the amount of exercise I am and am concerned with properly fueling my body. Also, on days when you know you are going to do a lot of activity, you can eat more during other meals instead of having a huge surplus at the end of the day to fill.
  • cheekyleonie
    cheekyleonie Posts: 140 Member
    As a general rule, I try not to net under 1200 (if you burn 300, eat 1500). Your body needs many more calories than that to simply pump blood and breathe throughout the day, so eating less than that is depriving your body of necessary fuel. Eating most of them back worked wonders for me :D
    If there was a "like" button, I'd like this comment!!!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    Yes yes yes...you need to plan your day so that you don't have a large deficit at the end of the day.

    I happily eat back my exercise calories. As long as everything you put into MFP to generate you calorie goal is correct and you have a close approximation to your calories burned, then EATING BACK YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES WORKS!! (sorry to shout lol)...Feel free to add me.
  • mishmash73
    mishmash73 Posts: 166 Member
    MFP is already subtracting calories off your daily calorie goal to lose the weight. if you are burning more calories with exercise & not eating them, your body supposedly goes into starvation mode & starts storing calories & you won't lose as much weight. My trainer was just lecturing someone who was complaining about not losing weight when she only eats a snack / meal bar (NOT protein bar), apple for lunch & big dinner becuase she wasn't eating enough calories during the day. so eat them.. MFP is set up this way for a reason.

    you should be eating 3 meals at 3-400 calories and/or snacks and youi should be eating protein (or protein shake) after your workout.
  • amberlycolina
    amberlycolina Posts: 11 Member
    Sorry for asking, I am new! Thanks everyone who responded!