
Hi! My name is Emma, and I'm a teenager from Norway. I've been a member since this spring, but had a period from july to september where I didn't use MFP at all. But last week, I felt a lot more motivated, and I wanted to share that with you.

Sunday, a week ago, I planned on going to a huge party on Friday. I really decided (after a rough week, hadn't worked out for a month, ate alot and were at my lowest and most heavy), that this week, I am going to make it. So everyday, I planned my meals and snacking, skipped big dinners and ate only vegetables. I did really good every day. Felt hungry, even made it to the gym, and felt like a queen. I could see my stomach shrinking! I felt great, finally felt hunger for once, and had sore muscles after a work-out.

I felt awesome, hot and smashing at the party, but on Saturday morning, hell began. I relapsed from my neat eating. Crisps, chocolate, big meals, chocolate cupcakes, the food kept flowing the whole weekend, and this Monday too. I was on the edge of tears today because of the feeling of failure. This always happens to me: One really good week, small meals, a lot of exercise. The next week: ****ty foods, laying on the couch feeling sorry for myself.

How do I avoid these situations? Also, my social life has totally failed, and because of my lack of self confidence, my love life sucks a lot, and I feel sorry for my boyfriend who has to deal with my breakdowns.

AM I THE ONLY ONE? Thank you for reading. Love, Emma.


  • trudeauk
    trudeauk Posts: 5 Member
    you are NOT the only one. That same thing happens to me a lot. I will be doing really well for a while and then let it all slip away. What is most important is that you get back on it everytime and never give up. Every day is a new day. Even if you mess up, just get back to it and you will be ok. At least we are aware of our patterns.
  • cbrister07
    cbrister07 Posts: 34 Member
    I've experienced that same thing in previous times of dieting. This time I've done the whole thing differently. My suggestion is do not try to be perfect. If you want something such as chocolate or chips (whatever you like) then let yourself have a little. Do not deny your body something that it is craving because from my experience thats when binge eating starts. If I want something that is a bit unhealthy, I eat it but I measure out whatever the package indicates as 1 serving. If I limit myself, it isn't that bad for me plus I don't feel deprived. That has helped me a lot this time. I still have bad days but I just make better choices the next and move on. One bad choice doesn't mean you have to quit and start again. Just keep going! Good luck!