Food at work ?

I started my died in my holidays and it went very well till now.
Today was my first day at work..and I got so hungry...grmpf.
Of course I took something with me...but I cant always eat the same.
So maybe someone can give me some ideas what I can eat during
the day ?
I work in the office and dont have a it has to be food I can
eat during I work.
Would be nice to know what you guys are eating !


  • hockey7fan
    hockey7fan Posts: 281 Member
    Are you looking for snacks or meals?

    With meals can you heat up something and eat at your desk? Or bring a salad with some protein and fruit?

    Snacks - apple or orange slices, nuts, string cheese, berries, carrot sticks?
    DCUMM Posts: 9
    I'm also at the office, but have access to a little mini-fridge which makes grapes or a v8 juice handi. Also apples, nuts and 100 calorie packs. My favorite and good for protein are the little 1.5 oz bags of jerky. Pringles pretzel sticks are one of the new things that I also like.
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    I don't have a break either and eat at my desk. If you have access to a microwave you can cook your own veggies and bring them up to work to reheat. My fav is cauliflower. I also eat rice cakes, yogurt, fruit, oatmeal, brown rice, celery and hummus. Hope this helps.
  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    This won't be a good answer, but it is what I do.

    I have a hectic job ... sometimes time can be made for lunch ... sometimes not.

    I keep the following in my drawer:
    *Slimfast drinks - forr those days when I have NO lunch breaks and have to have something whilst racing from one meeting to the other
    *Canned soup and rivita - for those days when I can heat something and stop for a bit
    *Tinned John West Light lunches for the inbetween days when I have a bit of time but not enough to prepare something.

    When I do try and take something fresh to work, I usually end up throwing it away as I usually forget about it.

    Well done to all those who either have, or can plan a more organized day than me!!!!
  • April0010
    April0010 Posts: 178 Member
    I forgot to mention protein shakes! I funnel the powder into a bottle of water a shake. Delicious!
  • philippafit
    Hi there, eating away from home is harder isn't it...the quick options aren't always the best nutrtionally. I take a boxed salad to eat at work .You can vary it with different additions (left over cooked meat, grated cheese, feta and olives for a greek taste etc). Another option is to roast some vegetables in the oven such as sweet potato, red and green peppers, some onion, any other veges you like such as asparagus. They are nice cold, maybe with some mixed greens and some fetta cheese crumbled over. . When I can't or don't feel like making up a salad, I will buy a salad sandwich on good bread. I try to take healthy snacks ( a tub of yoghurt, some fruit or fruit salad, a serve of nuts etc) so I don't get "the munchies" and eat the wrong things.
    Good luck; it is hard to keep away from the unhealthier options especially when colleagues bring in cakes or sweets!
  • dobijata
    dobijata Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for the reply. There are some new ideas for me.
    Can't heat something up...well..could have some hot water..but that's it.
  • dobijata
    dobijata Posts: 17 Member
    Yeah..the cake is always tempting lol. But I try to keep away from it !
    But I also saw today..that it doesnt make sence to be so hungry at work,
    cause you eat so much in the evening then when you are home.
    And I don't think that its very healthy.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    I like the 100 calorie packs - mainly when I want something sweet.

    Also: Strawberries halved 1 cup is 49 calories, activia yogurt 60 calaries, carrots (baby) 12 for 35 calaries, special K multi-grain crackers 24 (YES 24) crackers for 120 calories. I also like Wheat thin fiber selcts (garden vegetable) 15 peices for 120 calories - they are sometimes more filling than the Special K. I make a lot of sandwiches and bring them to work. I use the sandwich thin bread (100 calores), light ham & turkey, light mayo with tomato and lettuce. Yummy. I keep a variety of things in my desk and I bring milk to work and have cereal or oatmeal. Oh, I also like pretzels.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Cakes & Stuff: it's easier for me NOT to eat them if I look up the calories BEFORE I eat it. When I know I only have 450 calories left I'd rather a larger portion of stir fry than a cup cake. I used to each Cheetos everyday when I got home from work. Then I read the "snack" size bag and found out it was 360 calories. Now they don't even taste good to me anymore.
  • felicity866
    I agree with April....shakes are the easiest...they can be stored in the desk and you only need to add water...they are also very filling and do not take long to make or drink especially when you are having a busy day
  • dobijata
    dobijata Posts: 17 Member
    I can't imagine that a shake would make me stop being hungry...well..its just something to drink.
    I think I would miss something.
    And it has lots of calories too...or am I wrong ? Then I many calories..for just something
    to drink....
  • Misiaxcore
    Misiaxcore Posts: 659 Member
    I bring about 1/2 of chickpeas (from a can) with me to school in tupperware... lmao. Also carrots and celery. Other than that I can't be more help ;(
  • anitam1987
    anitam1987 Posts: 38 Member
    ZOMG I love chickpeas too!
  • SimpleStepsHealthCoach
    Hey dobijata,

    I work in a busy office environment and seldom have the opportunity to stop for lunch. I invested in a 40oz BPA-free 18/8 stainless steal canteen for water and purchased an assortment of meal bars. From Builders, Cliff, Raw Revolution, Pure, and others, there is an unlimited amount of choices when it comes to food bars. I personally choose bars higher in protein as it will help sustain you longer and provide more energy throughout the day. It's easy for me to leave an assorted box of these bars at work and I usually complement them with a piece of fresh fruit I bring in daily.

    Hope this helps!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    I always bring Healthy Choice microwavable soups to work/school (Chicken and Rice and Country Vegetable are my favorites).

    Yogurt is great, too. Raw veggies, apples. Keep a jar of nut butter around to dip either in. Hummus, too!
  • deysha
    deysha Posts: 2 Member
    Have a well stocked snack drawer, I have one drawer just for my snacks, Nature Valley granola bars, granola squares, popcorn, tea bags, mini bagels, wheat thins.If you can have a mini fridge, stock up on string cheese, yogurt and milk, apples, carrots & turkey slices.
    Lunch can be a combination of snacks: cheese, turkey, wheat thins, carrots, apple, milk...