Is walking 'real' exercise?

Hey, this might be a silly question but...

I walk for about 90 minutes per day (two 45 minute trips to uni and back) and I count that as my exercise for the day. I carry a heavy bag of books with me too.

I used to go to the gym but when i started uni i couldnt afford to go anymore. A few of my friends seem to think that it dosn't count as 'real' exercise unless youre working out and that walking is just a part of everyday life so it should'nt be counted... but i'm not so sure. What do you think? I've already reached my target weight so my goal is just to maintain and keep a healthy lifestyle.

Any thoughts much appreciated.

Thanks for reading!


  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    Walking is real exercise. Your friends are wrong on this one. You may not be burning as many calories as if you were doing Zumba, but you are still moving your body.
  • I count it as my exercise! It's great for the days when I just am not motivated enough to go to the gym, but I wanna do something active. They always say that if you can walk a half hour a day, you can lose weight.

    Try and go a fast walking pace to get your heart rate up :-)
  • kristalhope
    kristalhope Posts: 9 Member
    Of course walking is exercise! It requires a significant amount of energy to walk for 90 minutes every day.
  • JIsh09
    JIsh09 Posts: 158
    I consider it a exercise. I've been walking every morning while my kids are in School and it has helped me loose weight.
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    Walking is real exercise. When I don't feel like using my elliptical, I go for walks. I walk differently when going for walks, then walking while I'm shopping or working.
  • brookepenni
    brookepenni Posts: 787 Member
    It certainly is! Any movement is exercise and 90 mins a day is awesome!! Well done :)
  • SashaJaneJ
    SashaJaneJ Posts: 92 Member
    Yes walking is a real exercise.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I say yes, you know how everyone wonders why everyone in Japan is so dang skinny?? It's because they eat right and walk everywhere. I walk everyday and I may not be losing pounds but I have lost a lot of inches, I am in smaller pants that before I had my second child!!
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I walk everyday from work to home! Yes I count it! That is why I do it. My heartrate is raised!!! It is exercise.
  • MsMuniz
    MsMuniz Posts: 399 Member
    that's a long walk, def counts as exercise!
  • JennW130
    JennW130 Posts: 460 Member
    hey, i lost 50 pounds by simply walking a hour a day, and watching what i ate. THEN i got pregnant again. Go figure. lol
  • Walking around the house is not anything additional. Walking continually to get somewhere is. I have a friend who did nothing but count calories and walk, and he lost 50 lbs in a year. I even count shopping as walking since it's nearly continuous (though I round down the time spent).

    Also remember - standing for extended periods also burns an extra 50 calories an hour. So if you have a job where you stand all day, you can factor this in as well.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    Yes, it's a type of exercise.
  • It's only real exercise if you get your heart rate up into the Fat Burning Zone. I can walk around Disney all day and burn a ton of calories. That's probably a good 5-6 hours of straight walking/standing. If you're only going for 30-60 min, get your heart rate up.
  • Especially when carrying heavy bags!

    Also - I believe that walking is good for the mind as well as the's soo meditative. I love walking to work in the morning as it really sets my mind for the day ahead...

  • nikkoteeny
    nikkoteeny Posts: 13 Member
    My family doctor always tells me he knows lots of people who have lost tons of weight just from taking long, daily walks, alone.

    P.S. If it gets your heart rate up, it's the definition of exercise. Just saying. Wikipedia also defines walking as an aerobic exercise. :)
  • I'm assuming your friends don't join you in walking 45 minutes each way to class, if so they'd definitely agree that it's exercise. Absolutely! Log it!
  • decooper
    decooper Posts: 57 Member
    Yes, walking is real exercise.
  • Just1forMe
    Just1forMe Posts: 624 Member
    Hey, this might be a silly question but...

    I walk for about 90 minutes per day (two 45 minute trips to uni and back) and I count that as my exercise for the day. I carry a heavy bag of books with me too.

    I used to go to the gym but when i started uni i couldnt afford to go anymore. A few of my friends seem to think that it dosn't count as 'real' exercise unless youre working out and that walking is just a part of everyday life so it should'nt be counted... but i'm not so sure. What do you think? I've already reached my target weight so my goal is just to maintain and keep a healthy lifestyle.

    Any thoughts much appreciated.

    Thanks for reading!

    Anything activity that burns calories is real exercise. I wear a BodyMedia Fit band 24/7 and you would be amazed at the extra calories a walk like that adds to your regular daily activity burn.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Absolitely - I lost most of my weight through keeping an eye on the numbers and walking every day.

    Buggered up my legs (too much running did them in finally) but you definitely burn cals and tone up legs.

    If you find your heart rate is not particularly high during the 45 mins, try doing some faster intervals - you'll burn more and improve your cardio fitness.