Turkey Trim & Slim Challenge (CLOSED)



  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    I carry bottles of water everywhere all the time! And I don't drink pop often anymore, like 1 a week or so not bc I cut it out on purpose...I have done that in the past and failed miserably....but I.allow myself to drink as much diet pop as I want.as long as I get my water in....now I almost never drink it! I do have mio and.crystal light pure and allow 1 bottle of that per day. The longer you do it the easier it gets. Now I must never leave the house without cell phone and water!
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Hi! I am Nancy - some of you know me from Kristy's previous challenge & from Flying the World. For those who don't, I am a 42 year old married mom of two. I have been up & down with weight all my life. I joined MFP last Jan. at my highest recorded weight - 234.4. I have lost about 35 lbs. since then and have gone from a 22 to a 16/18 (that's my NSV!). I have found the most success when I am involved in a challenge that I really like. Kristy's BOB summer challenge was the first one I ever did on MFP, and it was fantastic & fun! So, I was very psyched to see she was starting this one!.

    My goal on this one is to lose a pound a week, and get back below 200. I got below 200 about 2 months ago, and since the school year started I have been struggling to stay there!! I am a teacher, and my kids are in something every weeknight, so it's a little crazy at times. I weighed in for this challenge at just over 200, which really frustrated me because I haven't weighed in over 200 in 2 months. (Hoping it's more due to TOM). I am happy to see that alot of the people who have posted on here are setting realistic goals. (and you can always set a new goal if you meet your goal early!)

    Looking forward to motivating each other! Good luck all!:smile:
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Thirsty Thursday - perfect! I was just saying to a colleague this morning that over summer, all I drank was water. Since school started back up, it's been more diet pepsi and less H2O. The 32 oz. water container is sitting on my desk next to the empty diet pepsi I drank first! So, on to the water. Kristy, I wonder if that is an ipod app too - sounds fun! A tip I shared over summer is that for whatever reason, if I am drinking through a straw, I tend to drink more water. Drink up!!:drinker:
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    I keep a water bottle on my desk at work so during the week usually I have no problems getting my 64 oz. The weekends are not as good. I will try to do the same at home, keeping a water bottle with me at all times. I'm going to look into that android app! That may be what I need for the weekends.
  • Ashley - wow talk about see-sawin!!! (you travel alot! - can I be like you?!?:laugh: ). Well we will all get you ready for Hawaii AND make sure you check back in with us after the vacation to make sure you didn't sabotage your progress!!!

    YES, PLEASE! I give you full permission to kick me if I come back with a large gain. :happy:
  • Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    Besides my morning Starbucks (nonfat skinny vanilla latte), all I drink is water. Sometimes I'll take a sip of my husbands soda, but I try not to because I'll easily want to start drinking a couple cans of it a day. Coke and Dr Pepper is my weakness! (Cupcakes too. Dang those cute little frosted cakes!)

    I also second using a straw! I find that I'll drink twice as much while using one. When water doesn't sound good, I'll use those Mio water flavoring drops, too.
  • jenvens
    jenvens Posts: 159 Member
    1 thing I do is I have an app on my android called 'Drinking Water' and you can set it to have however many cups you want to drink (minimum of 8) and as I drink a full cup I open the app and click on 1 cup and it records the time I drank it. If I don't fill a cup for a while the phone vibrates and makes a water pouring sound and an alert comes on the screen saying "you didn't drink any water!" or "DRINK MORE WATER!" It's a free app in the android market!

    If you don't have a smartphone, you could always set an alarm on your phone to remind you to drink every 1-2 hours...:drinker:

    Dowloading the app as I type! YAY! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • Hey everyone! We're off to a great start! Need a little help for a few days. I am at a conference for two days with four teen-age girls. Im a teacher as well and student council advisor. Going to be difficult logging and getting all my water in but this is why I so needed this challenge...there is always something coming up or something to do.

    I usually only drink tea or water but I have to confess I love beer wine and mixed drinks and that does not help weightloss! My goal is to increase my water intake and try to avoid alcohol except for a few on the weekends.

    Going to look into that app too!! Awesome idea!

  • crystlgrn
    crystlgrn Posts: 124 Member
    Ugh...I'm so bad at getting my water in each day. I will fill my jug up at work but I get busy and don't drink it. I have given up soda (11 months now) and only drink black coffee, water, and unsweetened iced tea now. I'll try to get more water in the rest of the night tonight and remember to drink, drink, drink during the day!
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Day 2 challenge complete, Woohoo 64 ounces of water down. Thanks Kristy for the app info, just what I need.
    Will do it all over again tomorrow. Have a great night all.
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    :happy: DAY 3: FABULOUS FRIDAY NOV. 11th :happy:

    WEEK 1 of 5: 33 Days to go!

    Today is Fabulous Friday, aka Share a NSV day! Share 1 thing from this week that had you feeling fabulous!

    Today I challenge EVERYONE to do AT A MINIMUM 20 minutes of continuous activity! Dance to some music, play wii, clean your house, go for a walk, just keep it movin for 20 minutes nonstop!

    I GOT A NEW ATTITUDE (Patti Labelle) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWfZ5SZZ4xE

    To everyone who met yesterday's challenge and to all who are posting in our message board. If you notice people on your team are not contributing, send them a message or post on their wall! We want everyone to be logging in every day!!!

    HEY! there's a new feature on MFP called groups; I sent invites to all you to join it.I thought it would be a better tool to use for us, but I'm afraid we will miss each others' posts if we start having different topics/posts to read through within our group. :huh: WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS?
  • mileneD
    mileneD Posts: 104 Member
    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a quick NSV, this week at home church 2 ladies came up to me and complimented me on my slimmer waist! =D I can hardly beileve that my waist is 32 "...when I first started it was at 42".
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    I think having our own group is a GREAT idea! All of our posts in one spot - no searching.

    MileneD - 10 inches lost in your waist! That is an AWESOME NSV! Congrats!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    WOW mileneD!!! That's awesome!!!! Great job!!

    I like the idea of having a group. The only thing I would say is to be clear about whether we would be utilizing the group page or the thread and if you want to use both just be clear about the function of both :)

    I can't shop for new clothes often, I just can't bring myself to spend money on new clothes that may not fit too long, so I've been going to thrift stores. I bought a pair of size 20 jeans last weekend (I'm generally in a size 22 now) and they fit :) And, this is not an NSV...but this week the scale FINALLY started moving again! WOOT
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    My NSV is that I could pull my jeans up without having to unbutton or unzip them! Happy weekend! I am not sure how the whole new group feature works - what's different about posting to threads? How do you find your group?
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    Congratulations! MileneD fabulous!

    Own group sounds great, but not sure what the difference would be than with the thread.

    My NSV is yesterday I tried on a blouse that I was waiting to get into but it is too large for me now. Loved that blouse but love the thinner me better.
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share a quick NSV, this week at home church 2 ladies came up to me and complimented me on my slimmer waist! =D I can hardly beileve that my waist is 32 "...when I first started it was at 42".
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    Hey Milene D...... Awesome job 10 inches !!!!! you go girl !!! :)
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    Our own group!!!!!

    I think that is sooooo cool.... Hope it works :)

    Extra motivation....makes us xtra specia :)
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    ooops getting carried away