So not getting it



  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    My nutritionist boyfriend says (I'm quoting him here):
    - Breakfast and lunch should be your "biggest meals."
    - No carbs after 3.
    - breakfast should have 2 fruits, 1/2 protein and 1 starch
    - lunch should have 1 fruit, 1 protein, 1 starch and 1 veggie
    - dinner should have 1 protein and 2 veggies
    - 7 - 9 glasses of water
    - 30 minutes of exercise a day (a least 5 days a week)

    I've been doing this for about 3 weeks and I'm down 19.5 pounds.

    Good for you but you would have seen the same loss with any program that had you at a deficit. These rules are entirely unnecessary.
    To the OP please don't feel the need to restrict yourself like this.

    Thank you for answering this for me :smile: