Relationship Advise



  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    His not leaving he just wont have sex with her. Men are visually stimulated...

    Seriously? Wow.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Drop the extra weight.

    By extra weight, I mean the *kitten* husband.

    I am almost inclined to agree with this............

    I battle depression, bi-polar and schizophrenia and my husband has loved me ever since I met him when I weighed only 125 pounds and he loved me just as much when I weighed 285 and everything in between.

    He needs to go to the Dr with you and find out exactly what you are going through.

    Hugs to you.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Probably the reason I dont hang out much in the chit chat...

    Yeah, people tend to jump on the judgmental posts pretty quick. Funny .
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Does your antidepressant cause hunger or actual weight gain? Just curious because there are lots of options for different drugs you could try.

    As for the husband, you need to have an honest (calm) discussion with him about how hurtful this was. It was very insensitive to your needs right now. Try to figure out if he's contributing to your depression. Does he treat you this way all the time or was it a one time thing?

    Give him a chance to explain, and hopefully talk to your therapist (hope you have one), and evaluate your feelings and your marriage. He may not realize how hurtful it was, and I wouldn't say it's a deal breaker unless it's a recurring theme in your relationship, but he needs to know the consequences of his words, especially to someone with depression.
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    His not leaving he just wont have sex with her. Men are visually stimulated...

    Seriously? Wow.

    Ive being there and I wasnt over weight at that stage, I had gained weighed after giving birth to our daughter. I was no longer the waif he once new. Though he didnt touch me once I concieved with our child. Did I take this on board **** YEAH... NOW no! Its taken me quite awhile to get over it.

    Oh and I left him.

    Im now very lucky to have a partner that would love me how ever I come (pun intended)... Though he is the one that I has helped me re claim my self confidence.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    I think you need to give your husband an ultimatum. Let him know there are plenty of men who find women over 200 pounds attractive (as proven by the mutiple "why do guys only like skinny b1tches" threads). If he does not still provide love and intercourse once that weight is exceeded, let him know you will leave him for someone who will meet your needs. You should also tell him that the medication is necessary because it prevents you from smothering him with a pillow while he sleeps.