Weight Loss via Yoga?

Is it possible? Everyone in my yoga class (besides me) is thin/fit. I realize most of them probably have active lifestyles, but is it possible to lose weight with yoga+healthy eating? I really enjoy it, and I don't have a whole lot of time to squeeze in exercise on top of that.


  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    According to MFP a yoga class burns about 200 calories, give or take (I've seen other numbers elsewhere on the web, but I go with MFP's). So, comparable calorie burn to walking/running 2 miles. In combination with healthy eating, it can definitely contribute to weight loss. But more importantly, I personally think that yoga strengthens the mind-body connection, which makes you more aware of what you're eating and less likely to overeat or binge on junk food. It reduces stress, which lowers cortisol levels (high levels of cortisol can inhibit fat loss). It contributes to a more healthy lifestyle overall.
  • jessbennett1986
    Most definitely!! Yoga is super good for you and it takes a lot of hard work to do the moves. It really works your core and requires you to go slow, which really works your muscles. I've done YogaX from the program p90X and was sweating like crazy the whole time!!!
  • carolinedb
    carolinedb Posts: 236 Member
    I love, love, love yoga! While it doesn't have the same burn/hour that many other exercises do, I still incorporate it multiple times a week. It lowers my stress and helps my performance in my other fitness activities. Also, if you really enjoy it, do it! The best exercise is the one you'll do and enjoy!
  • Fireflyye
    Fireflyye Posts: 1 Member
    It depends. A fast or strenuous yoga class, like power yoga or hot yoga, can burn up to 600 calories per hour. A gentler class will burn about 200/hour, BUT it is comparable to strength training. You build up muscle strength, which raises your metabolism throughout the day.

    I personally love yoga. I've been practicing yoga for about 10 years, and I find it is an incredible way to build strength, deep mind/body awareness, a sense of peace, and a great sweat.

  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I do Yoga-X as part of the P90X routine, so I do a combination of strength training, cardio, Yoga, and stretching. Yoga, for me, allows me to recover from the strenuous workouts and gets my body prepared for more pounding. It is such a challenge in terms of breath work, balance, strength, and flexibility that I firmly believe that a general weight loss and fitness regimen could be centered around Yoga exclusively. I saw an interview with Tony Horton (the P90X guru/trainer) and he was asked what one workout would he do if he could do no others and without hesitation he answered, "Yoga"...that's answer enough for me.
  • CarlyCo
    Hi there, I am a power yoga teacher and yes, weight loss can be achieved with daily yoga practice. Power yoga builds lean muscle and boosts metabolism naturally by improving cirrculation. The great thing about yoga is that when paired with cardio, the extra weight will come off and the body is already toned and strong. A challenging yoga class is essential, a heated vinyasa style class is even better for burning extra calories. If you are interested in practicing at home, I would recommend any DVD's featuring Baron Baptiste, He has also written a book with a 40 Day program, about healthy living/yoga practice called "40 Days to Personal Revolution." Good Luck!
  • Tenoreo90
    Tenoreo90 Posts: 329 Member
    Wow, thanks for all of that input, everyone! I'd really like to start power yoga, my fit sister-in-law (whom also attends the same regular yoga class as I do) has started that recently and says it kicks her butt. I'll check out some reccomendations I saw on here. :D