Lost a cup size, feel like putting the lbs back on!!



  • beckie4442
    I would be THANKFUL for that problem. I hate my boobs. Praying for A cups.

    Amen to that, I am exercising to lose my boobs ( and my thunder thighs, belly and bum! ) Though I did find a while ago that I'd managed to squeeze my boobs in to a 36dd for a few years ( with cronic lower back pain ) and when I got resized I was actually a 34G!!!! now my lower back pain has almost gone, and I've staeted losing weight on my boobs YAY!!

    To all those guys out there, when I meet men In general they always talk to my boobs... and their eyes are popping out on stalks most of the time I have had this happen since I was 13 years old it gets tiring but now I find it amusing instead!!
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    Who has the same bra for 4 years?! Seriously??? Your boobs probably haven't shrunk your bra has probably stretched out! LOL. I lost several bra sizes losing weight and you do lose in proportion so don't sweat it. I'm glad my girls got smaller too as it's made it much nicer to run, horseback ride and fit into nice clothes. This journey is about regaining your health and maintaining that. Get yourself a new bra that will hoist the girls where you want them. And remember, if you have huge breasts and are trying to fit into a smaller size, that just doesn't happen easily, something to think about....
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Your post made me really sad. I bet you are a lot more beautiful than you believe. I would suggest losing the weight, and just seeing what your entire body looks like once you hit your goal weight. If you feel you looked better before, then it should actually be fun (cheesecake, icecream, etc) to gain it back.

    PS: If you want your legs to look longer, try wearing heels (that do not cut off your ankle). :)
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    I think you should focus on rebuilding your confidence and self esteem first. Basically you are saying your breasts are your best feature, really? That's pitiful to say the least. Just fyi, your boobs are going to eventually sag and become deflated party balloons with age. I am certain that you have many wonderful traits and characteristics but you are just focusing on what's outside. Exercise and weight loss will help you feel better about yourself. Try it!
  • perceptualobfuscator
    Ignore the guys (and guys - imagine if you were losing length and girth in the place you want it most, then be more sympathetic! :) )

    Actually I did say I would be more than willing to give up an inch in length and girth just to get to a happy weight for me, I wouldn't try and gain weight again just to have more down below. If you want to be heavier and have heavier boobs, then feel free. Its part of life, stob obsessing over something you can't control. Maybe you could spend some time and listen to your body. as you lose weight, you can't control where you lose it from, so if your boobs go bye bye, then thats your body saying they gots to go. take it as a good thing, and if you want, feel free to barbie yourself up and get some plastic work, I am just trying to say that the real men out there don't care about them all that much so why are you stressing about them so much, they are boobs. Thats it, they are there to feed your child for the first year of their lives, other than that, they have NO reason for existance....

    The thing is, you don't actually have the experience to be able to make statements on this. I suspect bra sizes are a bit more complicated than you are aware of. As well, you can't speak for all men - there are many who will say that larger breasts are important on a woman. It's not really comparable to penis size, either - breasts are prominent by nature; your junk is rather hidden. I understand you're trying to be nice and supportive, but you instead sound a degree dismissive.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    RIght there with you. i have seen myself go from 38D to 34B. it does not make me happy. but losing 17 lbs has made me happy. I was a nursing mom and was very proud of those... and then it just went back to my old self. i totally get where you're coming from. but i want to lose 6 more lbs. i just hope it's not from there! :) lol
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    After having my daughter, then losing the baby weight, I also lost in that area. I was only about a mid-B cup to begin with, so I wasn't left with much. But you know what? I think small boobs on a fit body are a lot sexier than full boobs on an overweight body. Just my opinion, as someone who is a member of the I.B.T.C. :wink:
  • mochaphobic
    mochaphobic Posts: 92 Member
    Let's face it ~ life changes our bodies, weight gains won't necessarily make your chest into what you want and weight loss will occur all over your body, chest included. I lost 30 pounds 9 years ago and dropped 3 bra sizes. Add that onto stopping nursing and it was a big shift. Two pregnancies later and an extra 45 pounds put my chest bigger than before but who could tell with the big ole' tummy getting in the way? I'm only down 14 pounds so far this time but my chest is already smaller than before and I'm sure it'll shrink again. It's okay. I'm sure there are reasons to love yourself besides your bust.
    By the way, I'm not much taller than you at 5'3" and compared to my dh and my nearly 6' teen-aged boys, I look pretty short. But I love to buy a lovely top and a nice pair of jeans, put on cute sandals or boots with a short heel, some nice makeup and beam. I feel better about myself and that shows. It's not how short I am or how chubby my legs are or how thick my waist is.... it's my perception of myself and yours too. (But padded bras will boost up the girls and a good fitting definitely helps!)
    I guess the bottom line is that we all want you to feel good about yourself but if you think that others will only like you for your chest, then you might need to dig deeper and see who you are on the inside that is special and deserves a shout-out.
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I hear ya. I went from a DD to a C, and they are still shrinking.

    I wouldn't mind it, except that they look deflated now... Gross. :grumble:

    Fortunately, a push-up bra does wonders and no one but my doctor, myself, and my boyfriend sees them outside of said bra. Doc doesn't care about the look, I'm pretty okay with it, and boyfriend claims to love 'em. So... just try to not worry about it so much!

    I know it's tough, but boobs are boobs.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I just really can't relate. I don't get the obsession with breasts at all. Do men really want big boobs attached to a fat body? Do you? I wonder where this comes from because I always liked my breasts just fine. Maybe because I got complimented on them at some crucial stage in my development? I was always told anything more than a handful is a waste. :laugh:
  • ukaryote
    ukaryote Posts: 874 Member
    Guy here. If you are looking healthier, then you are looking goood.

    No worries about superficial changes. If you are healthier you will feel better, and trust me, it shines through.
  • Vaanja
    Vaanja Posts: 163 Member
    Not really wanting to encourage the shallow-thing here, but a smaller cup size on a healthy body stands out a lot more than superboobs nestled in pudge.
    I've always liked my boobs too, and have gone from DD to 'C and a half' in the last 24 lbs...but it's nice being able to wear tops that give the attention to the cleavage I've got leftover, and not the gut they're resting on.