Up and down success


I've been keeping track of myfitnesspal for nearly 3 weeks now and I did so well to begin with losing 12 pounds in the first 2 weeks but then had an extremely naughty long weekend and now I've gained 6 pounds, ruining all my hard work!

I'm really lacking in motivation to get going again - not helped by the fact I'm surrounded by tempting office treats and a flatmate with a love of chocolate, huge meals and sharing them with me :(

Somebody help!! I just need a few like minded people going through the same stuff as me - feel free to add me if you're looking for the same :)



  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    You are doing it wrong, don't focus on the short term like that.

    First of all you do not have that much weight to lose from what I can see so fluctuations are to be expected. What you should be focusing on is over a 3 week period you have lost 6 pounds, that is a great achievement regardless, if you can do that in 3 weeks then who knows what you can do in 3 months for example.

    Naughty weekends are an important part of life, as long as you have the balance right and don't do it everyday there is nothing wrong with it, enjoy yourself and regret nothing afterwards as Monday morning will come round again and you can continue on your long term plan of reducing weight and inches.

    That is also another important thing, make sure you record your measurements, it is quite possible to lose inches while your weight goes up and down, after all i think most people will agree its inches lost that matter more than a number on a scale.

    Office treats are the worst, there are currently 3 packets of chocolate digestives on the next desk so i know how you feel, do not deny yourself anything though, if you do this then you will just crave it even more. Have one or two of them and log it in your diary .

    As for the flatmate meals, use the recipe section of MFP to create the food they are cooking and weigh it to get the portions, once you see the nutritional breakdown on the screen it will make you re think what you are eating. if the portions are too big then split it out yourself into a smaller portion and save the rest for another meal.

    Hope it helps, I have added you as a friend

  • tjames719
    tjames719 Posts: 136 Member
    Every little bit counts...stick with it...It will happen!
  • slinky8113
    slinky8113 Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks so much for your post Rich, it was really good to read and to look at it from a different perspective. Your advice has really made me feel differently about my last weekend, I know we can't eat 100% perfectly every day but its about getting back on track and not letting it become a lifestyle again.

    Here's to a better week :)
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    exactly :smile:

    Glad I could help