How to get his attention

So I need a bit of insight......

How to gain the guys attention, via facebook/blackberry messenger, when seen out in public to get him thinking about me.

I don't want to be anything but myself but I need an idea/feedback on how to initiate conversation to get us talking.... We have been friends a long time and we talk about random stuff now and then but I need something that stands out...




  • Yakisoba
    Yakisoba Posts: 719 Member
    Flash him?
  • edenxoxo
    Serious answers only please
  • jagar07
    jagar07 Posts: 330 Member
    well if you see him send him a message stating how he looks, that should get his attention
  • edenxoxo
    well if you see him send him a message stating how he looks, that should get his attention

    would this not be cheesey??? I am so worried about saying the wrong thing.... He gets a lot of attention but is not the arogant sort... Maybe a talking point suggestion?...... xx
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    So I need a bit of insight......

    How to gain the guys attention, via facebook/blackberry messenger, when seen out in public to get him thinking about me.

    I don't want to be anything but myself but I need an idea/feedback on how to initiate conversation to get us talking.... We have been friends a long time and we talk about random stuff now and then but I need something that stands out...



    Send him a message "oh my word there is a hot guy in a black shirt (*describe his clothing*) standing a few meters away from me, what should I do???"....he will likely text back to go say "hi" so then you walk over to him and say "hi" *wink*
  • richx83
    richx83 Posts: 334 Member
    Do you have any common interests, perfect way to spark up a conversation if you already know them
  • JulieBoBoo
    Life's too short to obsess. Ask him out for coffee. Basically "I really enjoy your company and I'd like to get to know you better. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?"
  • edenxoxo
    Send him a message "oh my word there is a hot guy in a black shirt (*describe his clothing*) standing a few meters away from me, what should I do???"....he will likely text back to go say "hi" so then you walk over to him and say "hi" *wink*

    brilliant idea!!! I love this!!

    We are going to the same event on the 26th November - If I havent used this before I am definately pulling it out!!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    if you see he out and about smile, say hello and suggest meeting up for coffee or a drink some time :flowerforyou:

    P.s you are a beautiful yonng lady if he can't see that he is blind

    Good luck and be happy
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Life's too short to obsess. Ask him out for coffee. Basically "I really enjoy your company and I'd like to get to know you better. Would you like to go for coffee sometime?"

    This, if you need a killer line to drag him in its probably best left for now. Just ask him out for a coffee or something, anything.
  • rbvaudrizle
    rbvaudrizle Posts: 69 Member
    Showing interest in anything he is interested in always works as an ice breaker. Then he will invite you to share in that interest together. We men are simple and clueless sometimes...reading women is not our strong suit (although some guys talk a good game they still have no idea). It is just a matter of giving them a reason to think about you when u are not around! Good luck!
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Just be straight with him. Guys like confidence in girls. Just go up to him and say how u feel. No point in doing all this flirty facade if he isnt interested back.

    but babe if he likes you then you will already be on his mind.
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    If he's going to notice you he already has.
    If he's already noticed you but doesn't show it, all he needs is a small window of opportunity...a green light from you.
    Something simple is usually easiest, and if it turns out he doesn't want to go further its also easy for you to save face.
    Perhaps a mild compliment such as " I like the how the color of your tie compliments your eyes". Shows him you noticed him and has a personal touch he can use as an opening to strike up a conversation if he is so inclined.
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Flash him?

    and hahaha!!!
  • andrialindsay
    all great ideas! Be confident, sometimes the girl just has to make the first move. good luck and let us know :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I remember Elaine from Seinfeld once kept a guy's interest by going on about being naked all the time. You could try that.

    Or you could just invite him to a concert or sporting event or workshop or whatever and say something along the lines of "I'd kinda like to go to this, but none of my girlfriends are into baseball/jazz/cross-stitch/whatever...Any chance you'd wanna come with me?"

    Or, "Hey, we should hang out more. Wanna catch a movie next Friday?"

    Or next time you're taking about random things, say something like, "Oh, and if you want to know more about cup holders, stop by my apartment tomorrow at 7. I'm setting up a display."

    The possibilities are endless...... and I suppose with blackberries and such, they are even endlesser.

    Have fun!
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 595 Member
    Who doesn't like to get attention? Just flat out tell him how you feel. or text him a pic or flirty message any guy I know will respond in kind even if its just fun hit will get his mind going.
  • edenxoxo
    but babe if he likes you then you will already be on his mind.

    Very True!!

    I feel because he has a lot of interest already that I need to be extra special to "stand out from the crowd"

    We have loads of common interests but I feel we may have covered them already.... He's a gym addict like me.... Very into sports like me... I feel like I need a general talking point though.

    Maybe I'm wasting my time... everythings worth a shot though hey
  • Dizzle_65
    Dizzle_65 Posts: 249 Member
    Don't be too subtle, men don't do subtle. You may think you're giving him all the signals and he'll think you're just being friendly.

    As others have said ask him out for a coffee or go to the Cinema (you don't have to talk too much)
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    but babe if he likes you then you will already be on his mind.

    Very True!!

    I feel because he has a lot of interest already that I need to be extra special to "stand out from the crowd"

    We have loads of common interests but I feel we may have covered them already.... He's a gym addict like me.... Very into sports like me... I feel like I need a general talking point though.

    Maybe I'm wasting my time... everythings worth a shot though hey

    If I could sing for my girl in a boxer under her college window then you sure as hell can pull this off!! Go get your man