need help!!

Hi, I am back at my starting point again!! I feel so upset and I feel like I can not do it. I weigh 15 stone 9 pounds and I was down to 14 stone 13 pounds just 4 weeks ago. I have been on and off dieting for 2 years now and nothing I do seems to stick. The lowest I have got to is 13 stone. Every time I do well I feel so good and happy and then I do not know what happens to me but its like every time I take a step forward I take 2 steps back! I am a bridesmaid in April 2012 and I really need to loose the weight to fit in to the dress. I am so upset and I do not know why I can not stick to a diet. I am so depressed and unhappy right now. I have 4 young children which need a fitter and healthier mum. Does this kind of thing happen to other people? My family and friends have heard me say so many times that I am dieting and this time I will do it and then it goes wrong again. They do not seem to understand how hard it is. Help!!


  • LaraBoBara
    LaraBoBara Posts: 16 Member
    Same thing happened to me I gained all my 20lbs back and then some. I think since I stopped exercising and started eating crappy again it definitely happened. I am back on track now, you can get back there. Beef up your exercise a little bit and if you have been doing any toning of your muscles, be aware that muscle weighs more than fat. Don't be discouraged, we all fall off the wagon sometimes!
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Im pretty sure it has happened to everyone at some point in their life. Dont stress and dont think of it as ruining any work u have done. Just take it as a new chapter of ur life book. So u put on a bit of weight...u lost it before and u can lose it again :) Chin up beautiful. There is a strong support system on here that will help you <3
  • limismith
    limismith Posts: 156 Member
    This site has been a huge help to me, but at the end of the day none of the people or tools on here will work unless you MAKE THEM WORK! I hope it works for you this time! Keep up the hard work!! :)
  • jeannec3631
    jeannec3631 Posts: 108 Member
    *raising my hand*
    i have had the same experiences my whole life too. don't be discouraged...this is life, sometimes good & sometimes not so good. but with MFP you can start again! just log one meal, then onto the next, baby steps. don't look at April! Too big picture...look at today & what you can do today for yourself. don't worry about past failures & what other folks think. this is a lifestyle change & you have to muddle thru on some occasions, it's ok, cut yourself some slack for mistakes. we are here to support you on ALL days, good n bad!
  • I think this happens to all of us. Dont be so hard on yourself, just look at it as something to learn from. You know you dont want to fall off the wagon again so just have faith in yourself, push forward and set small goals for yourself. You can do this just look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worth feeling happy and being proud of you! It may sound silly but i look in the mirror and tell myself that I can do this for me and my family and I am worth loving myself the way my children and husband love me! Feel free to add me as a friend if you need a little ear for someone to listen or a little push here and there :) Have a great day!
  • JRMCK64
    JRMCK64 Posts: 53 Member
    Myfitnesspal is a great site. I have been on a life change now for over 2 1/2 yrs i have fallen a total of 130 lbs or 59.2 kg my health is getting better every month had 7 month last year i was sick on and off but this is the best thing i have done for me. I am still 50.8 kg off my goal weight so long way to go found this program on my android phone and gave it a go add if you will be active on here with comments and support as i do to my friends thanks Jay

    ((((((((((((( it is a live change not a sentence ))))))))))))))))))))
  • faiga
    faiga Posts: 47
    dont think of it as a diet the second i hear that all i want to do is eat ive been there i gained everything that i have lost back. now i think of it as how this is the way im going to eat for the rest of my life.
  • RyonsLions2
    RyonsLions2 Posts: 350 Member
    I have not gained it ALL back, but I seem to be losing and gaining the same 5 to 10 lbs back this last few months. It is driving me crazy. I feel like I will never get to my mini goal in December. I am seriously thinking about upping my workouts so I can eat more. I love to eat and it just is too hard to cut back. I get hungry and I have a sweet tooth. More exercise definitely allows for more calorie consumption. I know most of that needs to be healthy choices, but a little sweet now and again when it's within the calorie goal isn't bad. I hope that helps. I know you must be so frustrated. Also, lifting heavier weights causes an increase in lean muscle mass that causes you to burn more fat. By the way, that 10 lbs left, is 10 of 30. I set my ticker to do 10 lb increments. It's a mental trick to make me think I only have 10 more. Know what I mean? I really have about 30 to lose.
  • Thank you so much for all of your replies, its really nice to hear from other people who are or have been in the same situation. I can't believe all the support its so nice and makes me feel like I am not alone. I am not 3 days in to the new me and just have to stay focused as hard as it is but I will get as much support on here as I can. Thank you