November 2012 brides?

Hi ladies,

I posted a forum topic yesterday re: finding a gym buddy in my local area, but I didn't get any bites! :(

The next best thing than working out with someone in person, is having the continued support and friendship of online friends!

I'm getting married next November (11-17-12, to be exact).. I have a goal of losing around 30 more pounds. I have already lost 30 but have hit a plateau (with some gaining back of pounds, which is unacceptable.) I re-set my ticker and goals yesterday and this is day two of my new plan. I am a very dedicated person and I love being a support system for others. I have a very vast knowledge base for both fitness and nutrition. I have taken college level courses in nutrition and met with dieticians. I have paid MANY dollars for personal trainers and learned a lot through books and trial&error.

I'm looking for some more November brides to be MFP friends with. I'm not sure if a "challege" is in the future.. but it'd be nice initially just to meet some new people, talk wedding 'stuff' and support one another. November 2012 is a year away, but I've heard TIME FLIES! I don't want to look back and think, "I could have done more!"

Feel free to add me or send a message! Maybe we can start a group!? (I don't know how to do that, but I do see it's a new MFP feature!)



  • Falling_star
    Falling_star Posts: 204 Member
    im not getting married in nov 2012 but aug 2012 feel free to add me.
  • stoofers
    Hello, I'm a (hopefully) September 2012 bride. We're going to look at venues this month, pretty excited. Should we start a group?
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    If you know how to start one, that would be GREAT! =)
  • lmfender
    @Kerri: I am getting married the same day next year. I'm hoping that reaching my fitness goals will make dress-shopping more exciting.

    Feel free to add me--I need all the people to keep me accountable to my goal that I can get, and I hope I can be the same for you! = ]