Turbo Jammers 2/2-2/8



  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    Woke up with a terrible headache this morning so I never got a workout in. I just got home and am off to sleep. So I hope that I will feel great in the morning so I can get at least 20 minutes of TJ in.

  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    Yesterday was a bit of a bust for me - did something to my elbow when I lifted my work bag to come home so I only made it through 20 minutes of CP3. Today I kicked butt and did CP2 and Sculpt back to back. Legs feel very weak and I am sweatin' but my lungs feel clear and I feel great!!:glasses:

    I schedule my meals and my workouts! Then again, I am one of those anal accountants that has to have everything neat, organized and scheduled. :laugh: Seriously, though, I have started seeing better results since I started scheduling meals. As for workouts, they are on my calendar for cardio, sculpt, yoga, pilates, abs....I have a wide variety of workouts to choose from so I just pick one from the appropriate category.
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Another 2lbs loss for me this week! :smile: I am delighted!

    I worked out at the gym yesterday and was doing the resistance machines for my legs and now I cant walk properly! It is pure torture but it is only 2.30pm and I have only 130cals left for the day so I am gonna have to get my "groove on" on workout later!

    I plan on doing the 20min dvd + TS, that should give me a good few cals to work with later on!!

    Dragonfly I am dying to get my hands on CP2, how long is that workout? I am not too pushed with CP1 for some reason, I actually dunno why!!

    I am STILL waiting on my Fat Blaster DVD and my heart rate monitor to arrive! I am soooooo not patient :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • Good Morining Jammers!

    jacqueline- hope your headache is better! :flowerforyou:

    deedun, Congrats on the wieght loss!!! :drinker: I can't wait for you to get Fat Blaster! I love that one along with PK&J. For some reason I feel pushed more in those two, but maybe I just need to push myself more in the CPs. I also just got my HRM fixed after several months and today on PK&J I burned way more calories than I was giving myself credit for! I'm soooo excited!!!

    Have a great day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • Everyone is doing so great & it's really encouraging to me. I love it! Today I am a fill-in for bunco so I only have about 30 minutes to workout. I really want to burn as many calories as possible since bunco equals a potluck of many tempting things. I was thinking tonight I would either do 30 minutes of CP2 (so cutting it short) or Level 1 of 30 Day Shred. Any other suggestions?
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    msplatts...do you have the TJ 20 minute workout?

    OK, ladies...just did P, K, & J for the first time (BTW...loved it!). However, how do you ladies record it for exercise? It's definitely a different workout!

    Alright, off to do the 20 minute workout and hopefully some pilates (keep sleeping kiddos!!!).
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Family,
    Hope everybody is felling great today and is ready to get theri work out on! Missed CP2 this morning due to time but got Fat Blaster in! I did better with the moves this time and really pushed and it felt so good!!
    msplatts - If you have only 30 minutes I recommend TJ Fat Blaster. I had a tough time with it at first - it's 8 turbos (4 low intensity and 4 high) anaerobic workout. You take your heart rate up and down for 30 min. First couple of times I thought I would kick the tv everytime another one of those sirens went off, lol!!! But this morning I made it through and it felt good - I highly reccomend it.

    Jacqueline - hope you headache is better real soon.

    Deedun - CP2 is 45min and I love it. Real similar to CP but there's some other punch/kick stuff that I love and the cool down is good too - you're going to love it - the weighted gloves make it even more challenging.

    Meanness - I like variety too; i get bored very quickly:yawn: but so far with you guys and TJ + my pilates, firm (which I need to do this week) and my stability ball i have a pretty good rotation.

    Drevansmom - hope you're having a great day !!

    Megan - What's up?!?! Hope your remodeling is going well:smile:

    Check ya later!:flowerforyou:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hey Gottaluvboys-
    Can't leave you out!!! Not sure about anyone else but I count it as "karate, judo, kickboxing"

    Hope you have a great day,
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hey Gottaluvboys-
    Can't leave you out!!! Not sure about anyone else but I count it as "karate, judo, kickboxing"

    Hope you have a great day,

    OK, thanks! BTW...sounds like I definitely need to get Fat Blaster!!!!!

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Woke up with a terrible headache this morning so I never got a workout in. I just got home and am off to sleep. So I hope that I will feel great in the morning so I can get at least 20 minutes of TJ in.


    Sorry about the headache...hope you are feeling better!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Yesterday was a bit of a bust for me - did something to my elbow when I lifted my work bag to come home so I only made it through 20 minutes of CP3. Today I kicked butt and did CP2 and Sculpt back to back. Legs feel very weak and I am sweatin' but my lungs feel clear and I feel great!!:glasses:

    WooHoo... WTG!!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Deedun...awesome job on the weight loss! Keep up the good work:drinker:

    Megan...I just did P, K, & J for the first time today. I loved it! It's so different! How is the remodeling job going?
  • msplatts...do you have the TJ 20 minute workout?

    OK, ladies...just did P, K, & J for the first time (BTW...loved it!). However, how do you ladies record it for exercise? It's definitely a different workout!

    Alright, off to do the 20 minute workout and hopefully some pilates (keep sleeping kiddos!!!).

    Glad you liked PK&J (than always makes me think of PB&J's...now I'm hungry :grumble: ). I create my own exercises on the site for each of the Turbo Jams and record my calories burned either by estimate or with my HRM. For example when I averaged all of the TJs they work out to about 9 cals/min...or 450 cals for a 50 min PK&J. But today when I used my HRM I burned over 800 calories!!! Of course I was wearing hand weights and really pushing it.
  • Deedun...awesome job on the weight loss! Keep up the good work:drinker:

    Megan...I just did P, K, & J for the first time today. I loved it! It's so different! How is the remodeling job going?

    Glad you liked it too! It is different. I feel really strong when I do it, and I love the capaeoria part towards the end. The remodeling's going well...major part is done, just some little touch ups yet. :flowerforyou:
  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Hello ladies. I got my workout in! I did PK&J (PB&J hahaha Megan that's funny...I'll think of you everytime I type that now). I burned 550 cals (just for reference Kelly, glad you enjoyed it!). Plan on walking again this afternoon.
    Jac-sorry about the headache. Hope you feel better soon.
    Deedun-congrats on the weight loss!!
    Dragonfly-HELLO :smile:
    I'm pretty sure I'm missing people and important things...ugh....
    Msplatts-I don't rememer which workouts you said you have but I'm pretty sure that cutting out one of the sections in any of the CPs would be okay to shorten it. Do you have Fat Blaster? That's 30 minutes. I'm not familiar with bunco...what does it mean to be a fill in??
    Okay if I missed you I apologize, I gotta run. DD just woke up!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    msplatts...do you have the TJ 20 minute workout?

    OK, ladies...just did P, K, & J for the first time (BTW...loved it!). However, how do you ladies record it for exercise? It's definitely a different workout!

    Alright, off to do the 20 minute workout and hopefully some pilates (keep sleeping kiddos!!!).

    Glad you liked PK&J (than always makes me think of PB&J's...now I'm hungry :grumble: ). I create my own exercises on the site for each of the Turbo Jams and record my calories burned either by estimate or with my HRM. For example when I averaged all of the TJs they work out to about 9 cals/min...or 450 cals for a 50 min PK&J. But today when I used my HRM I burned over 800 calories!!! Of course I was wearing hand weights and really pushing it.

    That is incredible...800 calories! I didn't do the hand weights today since it was the first time. I wanted to learn the "routine" and get the hang of it first, KWIM? It was pretty easy to catch onto though! LOL PB&J!!!!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Hello ladies. I got my workout in! I did PK&J (PB&J hahaha Megan that's funny...I'll think of you everytime I type that now). I burned 550 cals (just for reference Kelly, glad you enjoyed it!). Plan on walking again this afternoon.
    Jac-sorry about the headache. Hope you feel better soon.
    Deedun-congrats on the weight loss!!
    Dragonfly-HELLO :smile:
    I'm pretty sure I'm missing people and important things...ugh....
    Msplatts-I don't rememer which workouts you said you have but I'm pretty sure that cutting out one of the sections in any of the CPs would be okay to shorten it. Do you have Fat Blaster? That's 30 minutes. I'm not familiar with bunco...what does it mean to be a fill in??
    Okay if I missed you I apologize, I gotta run. DD just woke up!

    WTG on the workout...enjoy your walk this afternoon! Thanks for the reference:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • deedun
    deedun Posts: 361 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I am delighted!

    I managed to do the 20min workout and TS as planned..

    I also managed to persuade my partner to join me tomorrow morning for a tubrojam workout! I think have been avoiding CP1 for a while now so might as well do it with him, might make it a bit more bearable!!

    I'm off to bed now, talk to you all tomorrow!!

  • jalley31
    jalley31 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Ya'll! Just wanted to know if anyone's handweights have wornout? Was doing my workout today and sand was going everywhere! Also I wanted to know what kind of heartrate monitors do you ya'll suggest? Has anyone had good results with the wrist monitor kind? Keep the hard work up and burning those calories!
  • gottaluvboyz
    gottaluvboyz Posts: 555 Member
    Thanks everyone!! I am delighted!

    I managed to do the 20min workout and TS as planned..

    I also managed to persuade my partner to join me tomorrow morning for a tubrojam workout! I think have been avoiding CP1 for a while now so might as well do it with him, might make it a bit more bearable!!

    I'm off to bed now, talk to you all tomorrow!!


    Great job on the workout! Have fun w/ your workout in the AM!
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