While we're discussing the Duggars...



  • erialsea
    erialsea Posts: 23 Member
  • mallorybriann
    mallorybriann Posts: 1,380 Member
    I WAS going to click on the link, then I read the end part of it and NO THANKS... I dont even wanna know!!
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    imo the duggars are guilty of child abuse, any one who has watched a show of theirs knows the older ones raise the younger, michelle practicaly has no time for any of them, there are just too many, that is neglect & parental slavery.

    I wont go into the brain washing or the fact they homeschool these kids to prevent them from being exposed to other non quiverful lifestyles which may allow them to make their own choices. the girls in particular are subjugated from a very early age & will basically be baby making machines like the mother as soon as they marry off.

    not a fan.

    as for eating road kill, as long as it's fresh it shouldn't be a problem, people in other countries eat bugs & every part of an animal,. we have generally just become very spoiled in our choices & no longer need to use the whole of a kill or even kill it ourselves.