Monday morning purple people eaters!!!

Hey everyone, I hoped everyone survived the super bowl, I know I did because I worked yesterday, we were busier then I thought we would be which is a good thing since my tips depend on my pay... Just wanted to get everyone rolling the beginning of the week, hope everyone is doing great, I am gonna have to add more exercise in there...Have a great....Tamara


  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone, I hoped everyone survived the super bowl, I know I did because I worked yesterday, we were busier then I thought we would be which is a good thing since my tips depend on my pay... Just wanted to get everyone rolling the beginning of the week, hope everyone is doing great, I am gonna have to add more exercise in there...Have a great....Tamara
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Good morning and happy week to you all. i really do need to add someexcersise but not untill i find out whats wrong so ill i can do is be catious. I did loose some so maybe this week there will be a minus again just as long as there is no gain.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I took it easy for the super bowl. Didn't go way overboard with calories, but I didn't do much moving around, so I gotta step it up today.

    I'm sure there's a LOT of people in my boat right now!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    I was good last night - it was the preceding hours, days, weeks and months that have been the problem.:laugh:
    Today is a beautiful day, a fresh start. Will go to the gym later this morning and will try harder to monitor calories. I really would like to lose a litlle something before Wed. a.m., especially since I'm heading to Fla next week. I need to try on summer clothes, etc. Ugh.
    Have a great day. GO PURPLE!!!
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Hey Purples! I didn't watch the Superbowl but wish I did. So that means I didn't over do it while it was on either. I know last year I sure did! My house was party central!! I hope everyone has a great week and let's keep on going! We can do this!! Good luck!
  • suprjewels
    I didn't log my calories yesterday. I know bad. But, it's been a very long time since I've done that. I also didn't exercise at all for the first time since we started. I'm hoping giving my body a break will get me off this plateau! That's my reasoning and I'm sticking to it. LOL:bigsmile:
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    I logged my bad day, and it turned out not to be as bad as i thought. i still ate junk and didnt work out at all. I'm hoping to shock my system into letting go of some poundage. I sure am peeing a lot today, but i dont think that weighs
  • suprjewels
    I'm back I've logged everything today. I have a sick 3 year old (temp 102) so i don't know if I'll get any exercising done. But, I'm eating good again. I think for my psych I needed the day off. Only losing about 2 pounds since I started on here in December is disheartening. I lost the other weight on my own before I learned about this site. Hopefully I can get on the gazelle when DH gets home and takes the cuddle bug. She becomes quite clingy when sick. Normally my couch potatoe self loved it. Now, I'm use to moving more and feels tied down. But, she needs it, so exercising might not happen. How are all of you? Hopefully better!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Raining and miserable outside right now. I was gonna do my run tonight. Not sure what's gonna happen now. I could always get on the bike.....again.

    Take care of that baby. Mine were passing a cold around for a while. I think we're finally done tho.
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Awwww.....I was getting dressed to go run and my 4 yr old grabbed my tummy and said "Mommy you're not looking fat anymore!"
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Awwww.....I was getting dressed to go run and my 4 yr old grabbed my tummy and said "Mommy you're not looking fat anymore!"

    Isn't that what we want to hear? That is good! Keep it up ladies! You are all doing awesome! It seems like everyone is dropping off lately. The New Years Resolution is wearing off fast huh? I know I need this site and you guys much more than 1-2 months. You ladies are so great!!
    TRLTAMPA Posts: 824
    Ya I was watching a diet commercial and it said "Today's the 21st, I know your New Year's Resolution is a thing of the past..." and I thought NO IT ISNT!
    I'm glad I came home and worked out. I pushed myself a lot farther than I have in the past when I went on my run. Then I came home and did the sit ups challenge. Those kicked my butt today, but I think I didn't rest long enough after the run.

    How's the house situation? I know they change from day to day, and with the game last night, I hope you weren't expecting to get a whole lot done. Your mortgage broker was probably hung over and dodging calls.....
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    Well right now it isn't even in our lender's hands. The lady told my hubby yesterday that she was looking at a place yesterday and couldn't talk to the people until today. Anyway, my hubby told her to call him by today and if she didn't then we were letting it go. It is almost 9 pm and no word from her. They will lose their house and they don't care. If they wanted more time we could have easily given them 2 more months. Their loan is 12 months behind and is going to be in foreclosure soon. Now that they haven't called we are calling our lenders and their finance company and telling them both it is over. Then their finance company may foreclose on it sooner. What that lady wants is for someone to buy that land and let them live there for free and it isn't going to happen. Not with us or anyone else. We even offered them $1000 to leave their trailer because it would cost them over $10,000 to fix their trailer to make it legal for our county and they won't have that. Plus they have to move it, and who knows where. So that is all on that for now. Plus today I found out that work is supposed to lay off 100 more people at my job company wide. More worrying about that part now I guess.
  • kirstina_23
    kirstina_23 Posts: 448 Member
    Somethings happen for a reason renae and well i think something is telling you not to get invovled with that deal! I hope things are ok at your work place.
    Tampa glad to hear the changes are noticable complitants always make it seem like its worth it.

    As for me went to the doc yesterday. No gallbladder stones or problems. He did say i have a lot of air in my stomach someone of the age of 65 and obese which neither i am not. So nothing was found next week i have the test where they stick the tube down your throat so well see if they find something then. Happy weigh in to all.

    Oh and i just got my perdoimeter im excited to see how many steps i really take in a day and week before i make a schedule.