The moronic fitness "trainers" on Biggest Loser...



  • VegGrrl
    VegGrrl Posts: 336 Member
    But if they didn't run on the treadmill they wouldn't have the great camera shots of people flying off the end because they really can't do it. I think that's the greatest part of the show.

    Glad I'm not the only one! LMAO!

    But seriously, ITA with what many of you said about the folks losing too fast, doing exercises that aren't necessarily appropriate for them, etc. Don't even get me started on their product placement based junk food "nutrition"!!! However, the show inspires a LOT of people, myself included. When I'm in the gym doing a really hard workout and want to quit becasue I'm tired or sore, I often think of what I have seen those much bigger and/or older folks do on that show and push myself a bit harder - because if they can do it, I sure as hell can! I think there's a lot of value in the message that it IS possible for ANYONE to lose weight and get fit and change their life.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member

    However, the show inspires a LOT of people, myself included.

    Whether its safe, ehh..that's definitely up for debate. They are supervised by doctors and other medical staff, and I've heard that the "week" we see is actually a little longer than a normal week (not sure if that's true or not),

    However, I totally agree that it does inspire a lot of people and when you see the amazing physical and emotional transformations of the people at the end, its very cool!
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    I can do some impact exercises at 270. I can do jumping jacks (though the girls don't like it), but running gives me shin splints. I got fitted for good shoes, so I don't think it's the shoes. I think I'm just not built for running, at least at this weight. So I guess I am in somewhat agreement with OP that it is definitely hard on the knees and shins when you are carrying that much weight

    It is possible that you may not be ready for higher impact activities like running until you drop a little more but before giving up on it I would attend a running clinic or run with someone who knows enough about running to tell if you had good form or not. I don't care how good your shoes are, if you aren't running right you are asking for pain/injuries. Learning better form has decreased my joint pain significantly. I just wish I had someone to teach me better running form years ago and I wouldn't have gone through cycles of starting to run and then quitting due to knee pain or shin splints.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    The reality is we dont' know what weight is safe for running. No scientific study has ever tested it. It might be perfectly safe for an otherwise healthy 400 pound man to jog, and it's much better exercise than walking. Most people that weight are going to have knee and joint problems anyway just from being so heavy.

    The best way to burn fat is through intensity. So running and other high impact sports will get much better results for these people than walking. If I was 400 pounds, I'd be A LOT more worried about my impending death from heart disease than arthritis.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    Biggest Loser has really lost its appeal to me. The producers mix in too much emotional baggage and the trainers, well some of them in my opinion, are a joke.
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    They have several doctors on site throughout. I'd have to say based on that that they are doing ok. If they were in danger of becoming seriously injured, I'm going to go ahead and guess that the doctors would have them pull out of the contest or lighten their workload.

    In football we had 300 lb plus obese guys slamming into each other for sixteen weeks. While I agree that running is hard on your joints, especially if you are obese, it will not kill you nor is it guaranteed to severely injure you so long as you do not over exert and push into the realm of injury.

    I was running at 272 lbs and my doctor said it was fine so long as I watched out for pain and injury and went at my own pace. I never suffered a single injury. Granted that's not 300 lbs plus but it's still very big.

    I was one of those obese guys slamming into other people (not professional, but I played in high school and did rugby in high school and college), that type of activity doesn't promote long term health and regularly calls on you to 'over exert and push into the realm of injury'. The life expectancy for pro football players is pretty low. Running when you're 400 lbs probably won't cause you to die instantly, but it does have a high likelihood of causing long-term injury.

    Furthermore, there are doctors monitoring the show jacka$$, and those guys took a riot grenade claymore to the chest at close range, purposefully stung themselves scorpions, and got shot from a giant sling shot while in a shopping cart. Just because a doctor says it won't kill you doesn't mean it's good for you.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I don't know the show that well. I am not keen on any kind of reality tv if I'm honest. However, I LOVE the bootcamp and 30 day jump start workouts and I'm 250lbs and have not had any injury or done any running!
  • ZeroTX
    ZeroTX Posts: 179 Member
    Furthermore, there are doctors monitoring the show jacka$$, and those guys took a riot grenade claymore to the chest at close range, purposefully stung themselves scorpions, and got shot from a giant sling shot while in a shopping cart. Just because a doctor says it won't kill you doesn't mean it's good for you.

    HAHAHA, I got lots of hilarious visuals, and you're SO right.

    Also, to those who are still not quite understanding: There are components of your joints that once damaged will NEVER recover... soft tissues... I don't care how much prior damage occurred due to being fat, it's still asinine to intentionally do things that you know will cause more and/or new harm!

    Again.... people are wrapped up in bandages and knee braces like mad on there. They didn't arrive that way.
  • MaManeenCal
    MaManeenCal Posts: 142 Member
    I was just going to be a smart @$$ ... but instead I'll just say- reality TV aside- 13 seasons later- and most people have lost the weight and kept it off, minimal injuries- and the ones they've had- were not permanent- clearly they are doing something right (with the exclusion of Anna- she's awful)
  • GCPgirl
    GCPgirl Posts: 208 Member
    I do love the show but these people need a lifestyle change and I don't think they put enough emphasis on eating right. A fast weight loss will also result in saggy skin.

    Wasn't there one contestant that lost a lot of weight then had surgery to remove the excess skin....THEN gained the weight back (because he didn't know how to control his eating)

    Another thing...Just because you are an athlete and in good shape doesn't mean you know HOW to be a trainer!

    BTW, Jenny O must be a big sponsor since that seems to be the only food they show.

    And another thing...they are supposed to run 26.2 miles at the end? My coworker runs a few times a week and was aching the day after the NYC Marathon and he's in shape.
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Interesting "behind the scenes" article about BL (this is from '07, and I do think they've made a lot of changes since then...especially putting more emphasis on teaching them to eat right and do things for themselves when they eventually go home), but he this is where I'd heard the 'week' we see on TV can sometimes be as long as 14 days.
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Jillian Michaels said it best on her podcasts. Biggest Loser is voyeurism to the masses. Simply said.

    People tune in, not to learn about weightloss directly. Because alot of the messages that are important about that get edited out like mad. It's about putting people in pressure, outside their comfort, with a theme, and sitting back with your popcorn., That's what sells.

    That is what primetime is to health and fitness.

    You should switch to daytime tv if you want common sense, logic and any emotional support. Period.

    Not that people don't get inspired on the show. But it's not practical to most peoples reality.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    You have to consider they are probably torturing those people so they can promote all the MARKETING crap asscoiated with the show.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    I am very interested in this conversation. I have had the same thoughts, even though I seldom am able to watch the program.
    :wink: Personnally, if someone had tried to make me RUN at my highest weight I would have punched them out and then SAT on them!!

    this made me laugh so hard :)
  • rsparks38
    I am very interested in this conversation. I have had the same thoughts, even though I seldom am able to watch the program.
    :wink: Personnally, if someone had tried to make me RUN at my highest weight I would have punched them out and then SAT on them!!

    love this!!!:laugh: