Any Vegans?

I have been a vegan for a couple of months and a vegitarian for a couple of years. It would be nice to have vegan friends, im happy with vegitarians to.:wink:


  • tam120
    tam120 Posts: 444 Member
    I can't claim to be vegan because I don't police everything I eat/drink/use/buy to ensure no animal products were used in production (like wine or sugar) I try to eat only plant-based foods. There are some groups here: Happy Herbivore and Team Vegan are a couple. Check out the Groups page under Community.
  • JJHudgens
    JJHudgens Posts: 96 Member
    I try to go as vegan as possible, but am more vegetarian. Every now and then some dairy slips in and I enjoy fish. Can't help it. Smiles
  • I can't claim to be vegan because I don't police everything I eat/drink/use/buy to ensure no animal products were used in production (like wine or sugar) I try to eat only plant-based foods. There are some groups here: Happy Herbivore and Team Vegan are a couple. Check out the Groups page under Community.
  • sunryzer
    sunryzer Posts: 31 Member
    I'm a strict dietary vegan for stuff I make and buy from supermarkets, etc, but I try and apply "reasonable doubt" when eating out at omni and vegetarian restaurants.

    I don't like the idea of "these are strict criteria that you must meet to claim the label". Life is all shades of grey, a continuum, and so, within reason (I saw a guy on TV the other day claim to be a vegetarian but who ate beef - that is not "within reason"!) you can be a vegan without vetting every last thing :)

    Incidentally, re: sugar, do any sugar companies still use bone char for whitening sugar? My partner's father works in the sugar industry in Africa and even his company don't do that any more.