Is C25K right for me?



  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    I finished the program about 3 weeks ago. I completed my first 5K and a 5 mile cross country run last sunday and the sunday before. I worked out often too..but running is a whole different ball game. Outside you are moving your body forward. I recommend not as much pavement in the beginning, it can really beat you up quick. Try parks with trails, it's kinder on your body.
    As slow or unproductive as you might feel..take it slow and easy. About 3-4 weeks in I was inpatient and ran 3 miles just to see if I could..the pride I felt was trumped my the pain of shin splints for a week!!!! Take your time and do it me it will be well worth your efforts. Be sure to get running shoes as well.

    Good Luck!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Just try it. You may not be couch potato as in the way we usually speak about it but from a runners point of view you could be - as in not being able to run much. I loved the c25k. Never completed it though as i really hate running! hehe
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Try it. I doubled up weeks 2 and 3 because I wasn't finding it much of a challenge. I then had to take two weeks off because of holiday & illness and have been doing week 4 'by the book'. Am loving it though. Looking forward to Friday when once more I get to stride out into the dank november weather!
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Don't know if you have the option or not but the Running Room (lots of other similar programs) has really helped me gain knowledge in regards to running. ie, how not to hurt yourself, what clothes to wear, how much you should run at first, how to increase your distance, pace, etc.

    They run classes where you run once in a clinic and then two practice runs per week. I started with a Learn to Run class 2 years ago and completed 3 5K's and a 10K in my first year. I had several injuries and setbacks but that kept me from running this past year but I'm back pounding pavement again.

    I could not run for more than 2 minutes at a time when I started. I'm not running marathons yet but I'm a heck of a lot faster and fitter than when I started. So rather than think that you're "not the running type" just like with anything else, start at the bottom, learn the basics and then advance. Don't try to beat anyone's record's but your own.

    As a coach at the Running Room....I love you! Its so nice to hear our programs being endorsed by participants! :happy:
  • lsunderl
    As a coach at the Running Room....I love you! Its so nice to hear our programs being endorsed by participants! :happy:

    Love the Running Room :)