Just Shy I guess

I have been using this sight for about 2 weeks I think and have been to shy to ask for advice or anything. LOL. I know I shouldnt be since we are all here for help, motivation, ideas and support. I have about 50 lbs I want to lose ( I quit smoking and that's what I gained) for sure. If anybody doesn't mind a busy mom and wife as a buddy, then I'm here. Boy, I sound like an ad HAHA.


  • qkiley
    qkiley Posts: 65
    Hi! Don't be shy, MFP is a great place to share ideas, victories and frustrations about your journey. Please don't hesitate to ask questions, everyone here is really supportive and they have helped me a lot on my journey so far.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!

    You can do this!
  • SuperSnoopy
    SuperSnoopy Posts: 3,464 Member
    Ditto with everything qkiley says above. MFP has done wonders for me since I joined such great support and motevation from other members. ENJOY
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I was the same way, I think it was months before I started adding friends. It really does make a difference :D
  • Jewel0124
    Jewel0124 Posts: 119 Member
    Everyone here as been great. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • lissa0040
    lissa0040 Posts: 362 Member
    I have found everyone helpful so far and it is a very positive environment in here! Feel free to friend me!
  • Heeeeeeeey MFPs!! I'm so in this until I cross the finish line. You can help me by first adding me as a friend, then provide some cool tips to healthy weight loss..such a goooood receipes!

    Smooches! :smooched:
  • mleoni092708
    mleoni092708 Posts: 629 Member
    Having friends to cheer you on is great! Add me if you like. Happy to help. Don't be afraid to ask questions. This is a learning experience for all of us.
  • I'm new just this week! Feel free to add me and good luck!
  • feel free to add me.

    i just made my account yesterday and so far everyone is so supportive and literally cheers you on. its really great. :smile:
  • Same goes for Me. I've had MFP for a while and rarely used it until recently and I'm just starting to add friends. I know it will halp me stay motivated. Thanks you everyone!!! May we all achieve out goals!!!!