Hey Weightlifters...

First off...background info. I don't lift very heavy...Ex : today i was doing bent over rows with 25lb dumbells; barbell curls with 20lbs, etc. I've been lifting for awhile and as I increase weight I keep noticing a sort of cramp in my left arm...kind of like it feels when you need to pop a knuckle and it doesn't want to pop. I've had it happened twice this week, both on the same side and always hours after I work out. Also, when I do anything with my left arm it feels odd (dumbell curls especially)...like something is moving left to right and 'clicking' in my arm. I honestly hate the feeling of it. I already have an appt with the doctor next week, but wanted some other opinions as well from those that lift regularly. Has anyone else had an issue like this? And do you think using gloves might help me keep my form better if that is indeed my problem?