Water retention questions.....



  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you for all your tips, i was thinking the same thing last night. I'm sure a lot of my weight is water. I take Green Tea tablet, would that be able to help?

    Will help, but better to drink Green Tea ans fluid helps release fluid. keep taking the supplement though.. :D

    i tried drinking green ta but i couldn't take the taste, i find the tablet work better for me. Is there any other herbal tea to try?

    Dandelion tea or coffee replacement. and or Chiccory tea or coffee replacment. Great for the kidney's and Liver. Help's with alot of thing's including water retention.

    you could also try a herbal infusion of Green tea with other tea's such as Mint or lemmon. :)
  • bella8282
    bella8282 Posts: 188 Member
    Thank you for all your tips, i was thinking the same thing last night. I'm sure a lot of my weight is water. I take Green Tea tablet, would that be able to help?

    Will help, but better to drink Green Tea ans fluid helps release fluid. keep taking the supplement though.. :D

    i tried drinking green ta but i couldn't take the taste, i find the tablet work better for me. Is there any other herbal tea to try?

    Dandelion tea or coffee replacement. and or Chiccory tea or coffee replacment. Great for the kidney's and Liver. Help's with alot of thing's including water retention.

    you could also try a herbal infusion of Green tea with other tea's such as Mint or lemmon. :)

    If you dont like green tea... i'd think you would not enjoy dandelion or chiccory root tea..... I suggest you get a coffee replacement instead, have it with hot water milk and stevia. It is really yummy! as a tea they can taste so earthy it's kinda like "dirt water" ? takes some getting use too. But as a "coffee" YUMMY!! they are two different product though... most supermarkets will have the chiccory coffee replacer in the coffee Isle on the top shelf :D
  • More water, less sodium!
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    Thank you for all your tips, i was thinking the same thing last night. I'm sure a lot of my weight is water. I take Green Tea tablet, would that be able to help?

    Will help, but better to drink Green Tea ans fluid helps release fluid. keep taking the supplement though.. :D

    i tried drinking green ta but i couldn't take the taste, i find the tablet work better for me. Is there any other herbal tea to try?

    Like I pointed out in an earlier post, the herbal teas with hibiscus will do the trick, and many of them are fruity and delicious. I highly recommend them!
  • There is a recipe that Jillian Michaels endorses that is 60 oz of distilled water or bottled water, 2 Tbsp of lemon juice, 1 Tbsp of sugar free cranberry juice and 1 bag of dandelion root tea. You are suppose to drink 60 oz a day for 7 days. I am on day 2 right now so not sure how good it works but it is making me pee like crazy! They claim you can lose 5 lbs in a week by drinking this stuff. We shall see.
  • jasneet12
    jasneet12 Posts: 239 Member
    There is a recipe that Jillian Michaels endorses that is 60 oz of distilled water or bottled water, 2 Tbsp of lemon juice, 1 Tbsp of sugar free cranberry juice and 1 bag of dandelion root tea. You are suppose to drink 60 oz a day for 7 days. I am on day 2 right now so not sure how good it works but it is making me pee like crazy! They claim you can lose 5 lbs in a week by drinking this stuff. We shall see.

    is it ok if i substitue dandelion root tea with jasmine tea?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I hate being 100 pounds overweight, it is getting hard on me (maybe because of my age? 47?). My weight is even harder on my husband, it about kills him to even look at me. When we got married, I was like 94 pounds and 5 ft 9. He was tall and skinny too, we were kids (19). So 28 years ago we got married and had nine children....and I found it very hard to loose the weight the older I got. I didn't have time to work out. My husband would complain that I didn't seem to have a problem with finding the time to eat.....I don't eat much either, about 1500 calories a day and I am totally satisfied. My husband tells me to completely stop eating, to starve if I have to. I do exercise, I walk about an hour a day plus do the treadclimber for 45 minutes 3 times a week. I have to figure out how to loose the weight for ME. I want to do this for ME. And I have to remind myself I can do this and it doesn't matter what anyone else says, I am worth it and I want to enjoy my life and stop packing this weight around. I am so encouraged with this group!

    I'd personally tell your husband to go shove it.. Starving yourself is not the way to go, no matter what dear hubby thinks.

    I'm your height, and 1500 calories is around what I ate to lose a pound a week... but I only have 40 pounds to lose. Keep with the walking and if you can, add some weights in.. that will help a lot!

    As far as water goes, drink a lot of it and it will help with the weight loss.. I know that when I don't drink enough, it def. shows on the scale!